
  1. Մկրտչյան Ս.Լ., Անտոնոսյան Մ.Ա., ԵպիսկոպոսյանԼ.Մ., Հարավային Կովկասում պղնձե դարի կենդանական բազմազանության, անասնապահության և կենսապահովման առանձնահատկությունները, «ԳԱԱ Զեկույցներ», N2, 2023, էջ 68-75:
  2. Казарян Г.С., Зангинян А.В., Овсепян Л.М.,Влияние ганглиозидсодержащего препарата на развитие окислительного стресса в головном и спинном мозге крыс при экспериментальном аутоиммунном энцефаломиелите, “Медицинская наука Армении”, т. LXIII, N1, 2023, с. 100-110. doi: 10.54503/0514-7484-2023-63.1-100
  3. Tsakanova G., Matevosyan L., Arakelova E., Ayvazyan V., Tatikyan S., Harutyunyan K., Avagyan E., Mnatsakanyan L., Melkumyan M., Karapetyan M., Yeremyan A., Correlation analysis between oxidative stress in living erythrocytes and human aging by two-photon microscopy, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, v. 1, N75, 2023, pp. 46-55. doi: 10.54503/0366-5119-2023.75.1-46


  1. Овсепян Л.М., Казарян Г.С., Зангинян А.В., Погосян Л.Г., Акопян Ж.И., Изучение окислительных процессов при развитии сахарного диабета у экспериментальных животных, “Медицинская Наука Армении”, т. 62, N2, 2022, с. 54-62.
  2. Hakobyan S.,Alveolar macrophages in main farm animals: a comparative analysis, “Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences”, v. 38, N1, 2022, pp. 26-29. doi: 10.55841/1728-791X-2022.1.38-26
  3. Hakobyan, Sedrakyan A., Plasmid Profiling in Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Human Isolates of Non-TyphoidalSalmonella, “Reports of NAS RA”, v. 122, N4, 2022, pp. 307-314.
  4. Епископосян Л.М.,Этногенез и генетика, “Caucaso-Caspica: Труды Института востоковедения Российско-Армянского (Славянского) университета (под ред. Асатряна Г.С.)”, Ер., изд. “РАУ”, 2022, вып. 7, с. 145-154.


  1. Անտոնոսյան Մ.Ա., Ստենտոն Դ., Ամանո Ն., Եպիսկոպոսյան Լ.Մ., Քարին Տակ քարանձավի ոսկրանյութում մոլեկուլային պահպանվածության գնահատում, «ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Զեկույցներ», Հ.121, N1, 2021, էջ 66-73.
  2. Tsakanova G., Matevossian L., Arakelova E., Ayvazyan V., Ayvazyan A., Tatikyan S., Yeremyan A., Arakelyan A., Qualitative and quantitative assessment of oxidative stress in human living erythrocytes using two-photonmicroscopy imaging technique, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, v.73, N1, 2021, pp.60-68.
  3. Zakharyan M., Prevalence of class 1 integrons in clinical isolates of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica circulated in Armenia. “Proceeding of the Yerevan State University. Chemistry and Biology”, v.55, N1, 2021, pp.58-66.
  4. M. K. Zakharyan, K. A. Arakelova, Z. U. Gevorgyan, A. M. Sedrakyan. Efflux Pumps in Non-Typhoidal Salmonella Isolates Recovered from Patients in Armenia. “Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia” v.121, N4, 2021, pp.288-293.


  1. Antonosyan M., Karin Tak cave, Lesser Caucasus, as a potential site for genetic reconstruction of palaeoecology, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, v. 1-2, N72, 2020, pp. 78-81


  1. Atshemyan S., Zakharyan R., Arakelyan A., Evaluation of functional effect of genes and their variants associated with schizophrenia, “Proceedings of the Yerevan State University: Chemistry and Biology”, v. 53, N2, 2019, pp. 126-130.


  1. Antonosyan M., Harutyunyan L., Aspaturyan N., Yepiskoposyan L., Genetic reconstruction of avian and mammalian diversity of Avana Karan and Krak Karan caves, Artsakh, Сборник статей “Двенадцатой годичной научной конференции”, Ер., изд. “РАУ”, 2018, с.138-145.


  1. Հակոբյան Ժ.Ի., Ներսեսովա Լ.Ս., Պետրոսյան Մ.Ս., Գազարյանց Մ.Գ., Ca-մոդիֆիկացված երկպարույր ՌՆԹ-ն որպես ռադիոպաշտպանիչ միջոց, «ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Զեկույցներ», հ. 117, N3, 2017, էջ 252-256։
  2. Каралова Е.М., Татоян М.Р., Аброян Л.О., Акопян Л.А., Аветисян А.С., Каралян З.А., Пролиферация и дифференцировка эритроидных клеток на разных стадиях первичного эритропоэза крыс, “Вопросы теоретической и клинической медицины”, т.20, N3(113), 2017, с. 9-13.
  3. Маргарян С., Мартиросян А., Карабон Л., Виткович А., Манукян Г., Влияние sFasL на уровни окислительного стресса в клетках врожденного иммунитета больных сахарным диабетом второго типа, “Биологический журнал Армении”, т.69, сп.N1, 2017, с. 50-53.
  4. Овсепян Л.М., Аракелян А.А., Малакян М.Г., Казарян Г.С., Исследование свободнорадикальных процессов при микотоксикозе, вызванном введением охратоксина и при лечении, “Биологический журнал Армении”, т.69, N1, 2017, с. 80-83.
  5. Татоян М.Р., Аброян Л.О., Акопян Л.А., Аветисян А.Ц., Каралова Е.М., Развитие альвеолярных макрофагов в онтогенезе свиней, “Вопросы теоретической и клинической медицины”, т.20, N2(112), 2017, с. 12-14.
  6. Татоян М.Р., Аброян Л.О., Акопян Л.А., Аветисян А.С., Каралова Е.М., Морфология и развитие клеток нормобластического эритропоэза в постнатальном периоде свиньи, “Вопросы теоретической и клинической медицины”, т.20, N2(112), 2017, с. 32-36.
  7. Татоян М.Р., Аброян Л.О., Акопян Л.А., Аветисян А.С., Каралова Е.М., Каралян З.А., Морфогенез кровяных островков на раннем этапе эмбрионального развития свиней, “Вопросы теоретической и клинической медицины”, т.20, N4(114), 2017, с. 6-10.
  8. Martirosyan A., 17β-estradiol attenuates the LPS-induced inflammatory response in whole blood cells culture. “Biological Journal of Armenia”, v.69, sp.N1, 2017, p. 137-141.
  9. Melyan G., Barseghyan A., Sahakyan A., Hovhannisyan H., The study of various types and concentrations of plant growth regulators on callus induction and accumulation of inulin in callus cultures of Burdock (Arctium lappa L.), “Bulletin of National Agrarian University of Armenia”, v.2, 2017, p. 17-20.


  1. Առաքելովա Վ., Գրիգորյան Ք., Թուրքմենների ծագումնաբանությունն ըստ ժողովրդական բանահյուսության. «օղուզ-նամէ», «թուրքմենների տոհմաբանություն», “Сборник статей: Происхождение и проблемы идентичности тюркоязычных групп Ирана”, 2016, էջ 95-104:
  2. Ասատրյան Գ., Իրանում թյուրքախոսության խնդրի շուրջ, “Сборник статей: Происхождение и проблемы идентичности тюркоязычных групп Ирана”, 2016, էջ 7-34.
  3. Գրիգորյան Ք., Առաքելովա Վ., Իրանում թուրքմենական համայնքի ձևավորումը` ցեղային միությունները և դրանց ստորաբաժանումները (թայիֆե, թիրե), “Сборник статей: Происхождение и проблемы идентичности тюркоязычных групп Ирана”, 2016, էջ 105-124.
  4. Епископосян Л., Реконструкция древних миграций иранских популяций на основе генетических данных, “Сборник статей: Происхождение и проблемы идентичности тюркоязычных групп Ирана”, 2016, с. 125-138.
  5. Овсепян Л.М., Зангинян А.В., Казарян Г.С., Изучение окислительных процессов при глаукоме, “Медицинская наука Армении”, N1, 2016 , с. 109-115.
  6. Arakelyan A.A., Functional gene sets in post-traumatic stress disorder, “Proceedings YSU”, 1, 2016, p. 43-48.
  7. Arakelyan А.A., Analysis of somatic mutation enrichment in gene expression landscapes for cancer cell lines, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.68(3), 2016, p. 54-58.
  8. Avetyan D., Malakyan M., Tonoyan V., Tadevosyan D., Matosyan D., Arakelyan A., Evaluation of protective effects of Schiff base derivatives of amino acids against Ochratoxin A-induced apoptosis in rats, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 31-34.
  9. Davtyan H., Phospholipids of blood mononuclear cells as biomarkers for breast cancer detection, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 43-46.
  10. Harutyunyan K., Hakobyan G., Alexanyan K., Tadevosyan Yu., Plasma membrane phospholipids of blood mononuclear cells in prostate and bladder cancers., “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 57-60.
  11. Hovhannisyan A., Antonosyan M., Armenians on the genetic map of South-West Asia, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 61-64.
  12. Hovhannisyan A., Armenians on the genetic map of South-West Asia based on genome-wide autosomal data, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, 68(2), 2016, p. 6-9.
  13. Hovhannisyan H., Yesayan A., Antonosyan M., Yepiskoposyan L., MTMART – a new human mitogenomic database, “Herald of Russian-Armenian University”, 1, 2016, p. 142-146.
  14. Margaryan K., Vardanyan D., Devejyan H., Study of Armenian grape cultivars for resistance to downy mildew, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 85-88.
  15. Margaryan S., Witkowicz A., Partyka A., Karabon L., Uncoupling protein 2 expression in mononuclear cells in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 82-84.
  16. Martirosyan A, Petrek M, Kishore A, Manukyan G., The immunomodulatory effects of therapeutic plasma exchange on monocytes in Antiphospholipid syndrome, “Exp. Ther. Med.”, 12, 2016, p. 1189-1195. DOI: 10.3892/etm.2016.3441.
  17. Martirosyan A., Petrek M., Manukyan G., Extracellular ATP attenuates proinflammatory state of LPS-primed monocytes from patients with Antiphospholipid Syndrome, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 89-92.
  18. Martirosyan G., Lyangasova O., Zakharyan R., Mashkina E., Shkurat T., Arakelyan A., Epidemiological study on the prevalence of urogenital infections in Armenia and Russia. “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p.93-97.
  19. Mkrtchyan M.S., Zakharyan M.K., Arakelova K.A., Sedrakyan A.M., Gevorgyan Z.U., Ktsoyan Zh.A., Molecular determinants of virulence genes of Salmonella Enteritidis prevailing in Armenia, “Proceedings of the YSU, Chemistry and biology”, #1, 2016, p. 55-60.
  20. Nebish A., Devejyan H., Aroutiounian R., Cytoembryological profiles of some Armenian grapevine cultivars, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 101-103.
  21. Nebish A., Santrosyan G., Mkheyan M., Aroutiounian R., Reproductive diversity of Armenian apricot genotypes, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 98-100.
  22. Petrosyan M.S., Nersesova L.S., Akopian J.I., Creatine kinase as a potential marker of the biological effects of the low-intensity radio frequency electromagnetic radiation, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 104-106.
  23. Poghosyan A., Maternal genetic structure of the Karabakh Armenians. “Biological Journal of Armenia”, 68(4), 2016, p. 57-60.
  24. Sahakyan H.K., Arakelov G.G., Nazaryan K.B., Effect of mutations and phosphorylation on pyrin structure, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.68(3), 2016, p. 76-80.

Stepanyan A., Danielyan L., Tsakanova G., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A., Genotype and haplotype association study of the CPLX2 gene among Armenains,
“Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special Issue), 2016, p. 114-116.

25.Tadevosyan K., Soghoyan A., Mayilyan K., Boyajyan A., Genetic variation of ATF2 in ischemic stroke, “Biological Journal of Armenia”, V.LXVIII(Special   Issue), 2016, p. 117-120.


  1. Manukyan G., Petrek M., Hyusyan A., Martirosyan A., Avagyan S. Neutrophil apoptosis and activation mediated by serum isolated from patients with familial Mediterranean fever. 4thInternational Medical Congress of Armenia July 2-4, 2015, p. 19-20.
  2. Khondkaryan L., Ghukasyan L., Poghosyan D. Influence of rheumatoid arthritis serum on monocytes viability. 3rd International Scientific Conference on “Dialogues on Science”, Yerevan, Armenia Jun 2015, 77
  3. Sargsyan A., Galstyan S., Hakobyan E., Vardanyan D., Galstyan A., Khondkaryan L. and Babayan N. Photodynamic activity and structure/activity relationship of new porphyrins in vitro as potential photosensitizers for application in photodynamic therapy of cancer. 3rd International Scientific Conference on “Dialogues on Science”, Yerevan, Armenia Jun 2015, p. 75.
  4. Hakobjanyan A., Hovsepyan L., Soghoyan A., Navratilova Z., Nosek Z., Strakova G., Petrek M. – The study of apoptosis of immune cells during aging and brain ischemic stroke // 3rd International Scientific Conference on “Dialogues on Sciences”. Yerevan, Armenia, June 23-26, 2015
  5. Hyusyan A., Mayilyan K., Adams S., Farah J., Khoyetsyan A., Avagyan S., Jordan F., Weinberger D. Maternal HLA-B*44 is not Associated with the Genesis of Schizophrenia. 4th International Medical Congress of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, July 2-4, 2015, 150-151.
  6. Stepanyan A., Tsakanova G. Association of synaptic plasticity genes polymorphisms with ischemic stroke in Armenian population. International youth conference “Science and innovation 2015”, Republic of Armenia, Tsagkhadzor, September 25-27, 2015, p.195-200.
  7. Hovnanyan K., Transmission, scanning electron and X-ray analysis of organic and inorganic particles. Conference 95th , October 2015, Yerevan, Armenia
  8. Tsovyan E., Thooptianrat T., Sanubol A., Faijaidee W., Babayan N.. Screening on cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity of plant extracts derived from different spices of Clerodendrum, Dillenia and Piper. 3rd International Scientific Conference on “Dialogue on Sciences”, June 23-26, Yerevan, Armenia, 2015, 87
  9. Stepanyan A., Tsakanova G. Association of synaptic plasticity genes polymorphisms with ischemic stroke in Armenian population. International youth conference “Science and innovation 2015”, Republic of Armenia, Tsagkhadzor, September 25-27, 2015, 195-200.
  10. Եպիսկոպոսյան Լ. (2015) «Հայկական բարձրավանդակը որպես նեոլիթյան մարդու տեղաշարժման միջանցք» – «Վանի ինքնապաշտպանություն – 100» Միջազգային գիտաժողով, նվիրված Վանի հերոսամարտի 100-ամյակին և Վան քաղաքի առաջին հիշատակության 2870-ամյակին. Երևան, 4-6 մայիսի 2015թ.
  11. Hakobyan A.V., Bayramyan N.V., Tusuzyan A.T., Semirjyan Z.B. Morphology and cytometry of swine thrombopoietic cells., Blood, 2015, 1(19), p. 54-59.
  12. Arzumanyan G.A., Tatoyan M.R., Saroyan D.A. Embryonic hemopoiesis in swine liver, Blood, 2015, 1(19), с. 54-59.
  13. Misakyan A.E., Karalova E.M. Erythropoiesis in swine liver during acute African Swine Fever, Practical and clinical medicine, 2015, v. 18, N3 (99), p. 8-11.
  14. Nersesova L.S., Petrosyan M.S., Akopian J.I. Effect of oxidative stress induced by xenobiotics and ionizing radiation on the creatine kinase of rats vital organs. Biol. J. of Armenia.2015. v.LXVII, N3, p. 73-79.
  15. Pogosyan L.H., Mkrtchyan Z.S., Gazaryants M.G., Margaryan A.S., Badalyan R.B., Simonian A.A., Akopian J.I. Effect of derivative plastoquinone (SkQ1) on the activity of cellular metabolism some key enzymes. Biol. J. of Armenia. 2015. v.LXVII, N3, p. 37-42.
  16. Saroyan D.A. Population analysis of peripheral blood neutrophils in the dynamics of African Swine Fever, 2015, 1 (67), p. 74-79.
  17. Saroyan D.A., Semirjyan Z.B., Abroyan L.O., Avetisyan A.S., Hakobyan L.A., Karalova E.M. Population analysis of myeloid cells of bone marrow in the dynamics of African Swine Fever, Blood, 2015, 1(19), p. 45.
  18. Saroyan D.A., Simonyan L.N., Hakobyan L.A., Abroyan L.A., Avetisyan A.S., Semirjyan Z.B. Dynamics of changes in area and quantity of nucleic acids in peripheral myeloid cells during African Swine Fever, Farma, 2015, N10, p. 32-35.
  19. Simonyan L.N., Karalyan Z.A. Swine viral haemorrhages and development of systematic inflammation responses, Practical and clinical medicine, 2015, v. 18, N3 (99), p. 18-20.
  20. Avetian D., Khanoyan D., Petrosyan M., Mkrtchyan G., Harutyunyan K., Ayvazyan V., Musaelian R., Boyajyan A. Genes encoding the complement alternative pathway factors in posttraumatic stress disorder. Pharma, 2015, 10, p. 48-53.
  21. Poghosyan A., Hovhannisyan H., Hovhannisyan A., Khachatryan Z., Yepiskoposyan L. Y chromosome diversity in the Armenian population of Karabakh. Biolog Journal of Armenia, 2015, 67 (1), p. 70-73.
  22. Poghosyan A.S., Hovhannisyan H.H., Hovhannisyan A.A., Khachatryan Z.A., Yepiskoposyan L.M. Y chromosome diversity in the Armenian population of Karabakh. Biolog. Journal of Armenia, 2015, 1 (67)


  1. Khudaverdyan A.Yu., Yengibaryan A.A., Vardanyan Sh.A., Matevosyan H.Sh., Karalyan Z.A. Trauma analysis in paleopathology: distribution, structure, interpretation (Bronze and Iron ages, Armenian upland). The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2014, 8 (1), 4-15.
  2. Stepanyan A.S. Association of the complement factor h gene variants and ischemic stroke in Armenian population. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2014, 66 (1), 66-71.
  3. Tsakanova G.V., Ayvazyan V.A., Boyajyan A.S. Oxidative stress and pathomechanisms of ischemic stroke. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences, 2014, 22(1), 39-41.
  4. Khudaverdyan A.Yu., Karalyan Z.A., Yengibaryan A.A., Matevosyan R.Sh., Vardanyan Sh.A. Environmental factors in formation of nozocomplexes among the ancient population of Armenia. Medical Science of Armenia, 2013, 53(4), 21-36.
  5. Avetyan D. Changes in apoptotic rate and synaptic plasticity in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (NAS RA), 2013, 2(21), 70-73.
  6. Ghazaryan H. Annexin 11 expression pattern in schizophrenia. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (NAS RA), 2013, 2(21), 74-76.
  7. Babayan N., Apresyan L., Harutyunyan T., Grigoryan S., Arakelova E. New doxorubicin nanosize composites’ anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65(Suppl.1), 45-46.
  8. Bayramyan N.V. Study of the interaction of the encephalomyocarditis virus with Paramecium caudatum. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65(3), 116-119.
  9. Ghazaryan H., Petrek M., Gevorgyan A., Melkumova M., Boyajyan A. Exspression levels and genetic polymorphisms of complement factors H and B in schizophrenia. Armenian Journal of Mental Health, 2013, 4 (Suppl. 1), p.71.
  10. Hakobjanyan A.A., Hovsepyan L.M., Boyajyan A.S., Petrek M. Study of expression level of IL2 and IL2RG in T cells and oxidative modifications of proteins at aging and brain ischemic stroke. Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine, 2013, 16(7), 20-23.
  11. Hovsepyan T.Zh. Cu (II) (picolinyl-L-tryptophan)2 as an effecient multifunctional radioprotector. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65(3), 63-68.
  12. Khazan N. Detection of CK19 and MGB1 mRNA-positive cells in the peripheral blood and bone marrow of patients with operable breast cancer by real time PCR. Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine, 2013, 16 (3), 51-54.
  13. Khazan N. The Detection of Circulating tumor cells of breast cancer patients using marker (CK19) real time PCR. Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine, 2013, 16 (3), 55-59.
  14. Mayilyan K. Mannan-binding lectin associated serine protease-1 activity in healthy individuals from Armenian and British populations. Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine, 2013, 16(8), 42-44.
  15. Nersisyan L.R., Arakelyan A.A. MEFV gene expression during macrophage activation. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (NAS RA), 2013, 2(21), 77-81.
  16. Rahnemoon A.R., Izadyar M., Poopak B.E2A/PBX1 and MIL/A4F fusion genes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Iranian population. Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine, 2013, 16 (5), 38-40.
  17. Sedrakyan A.M., Arakelova K.A., Gevorgyan Z.U., Mnatsakanyan A.A., Zakaryan M.K., Hovannisyan A.I., Asoyan A.V., Ktsoyan Zh.A. Multidrug resistance of clinically important serotypes of causative agents of salmonellosis. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (4), 13-20.
  18. Saponjyan Y.H. Study of the hind limb grip strength of X-chromosome-linked muscular dystrophy (MDX) mouse not affected by daily voluntary wheel running. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65(3), 58-62.
  19. Torgomyan T.R., Lazyan M.P., Hakobyan G.V., Batikyan T.B., Ghazaryan R.A., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Y.V. Alterations of lipid modification processes in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells in malignancy. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (NAS RA), 2013, 2 (21), 30-33.
  20. Arakelov G.G., Jahangiryan S.G., Nazaryan K.B. Influence of M6941, M695R, V744S mutations on B30.2 teriary structure and its interaction with caspase-1. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 33-34.
  21. Arakelyan A., Wirth H., Cakir V., Binder H. Molecular pathway perturbations in B-cell lymphoma subtypes. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 35-36.
  22. Atshemyan S., Zakharyan R., Nersisyan L., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A. C-C chemokine receptor type 2 gene variant as a risk factor for schizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 39-40.
  23. Bayramyan N., Zakaryan H. Interaction of Paramecium caudatum and picornaviruses. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 50-52.
  24. Boyajyan A., Avetyan D., Mkrtchyan G., Sukiasyan S., Zakharyan R., Atshemyan S., Gevorgyan A., Melkumova M., Torosyan S. Population genomics study of molecular pathomechanisms responsible for apoptotic and synaptic plasticity dysfunction in posttraumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia. Armenian Journal of Mental Health, 2013, 4 (Suppl. 1), 66-67.
  25. Chavushyan A.S., Hovsepyan M.R., Boyajyan A.S. Aberrant immune complexes and cytokine production in schizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (1), 123-125.
  26. Ghazaryan H. Expression profile of selected inflammatory related genes in schizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 64-65.
  27. Hakobjanyan A., Boyajyan A., Hovsepyan L., Petrek M. Changes of ANXA11 expression level and apoptosis during aging and brain ischemic stroke. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 66-67.
  28. Hovhannisyan A., Margaryan A., Poghosyan A. Diversity of mitochondrial DNA gene pool in general Armenian population. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 74-75.
  29. Hovhannisyan A., Poghosyan A., Margaryan A. Genogeography of the Y chromosome haplogroup G in Armenian population. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl.1), 72-73.
  30. Hovnanyan N.L., Sargsyan K.A., Hovnanyan K.O. Mapping the organic and inorganic compounds: electron microscopy morphometric computation and stereometric analysis. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 78-79.
  31. Izmailyan R. Integrin β1 requires for adhesion spreading and migration of HeLa cells. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65(3), 6-10.
  32. Khazan N. Detection of circulating tumor cells of breast cancer patients by assessment of multiple markers. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 86-87.
  33. Lazyan M.P., Davtyan H.H., Batikyan T.B., Kazaryan R.A., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Quick generation of lipid signaling molecules by peripheral blood mononuclear cells at norm and in breast cancer. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 92-93.
  34. Margaryan K., De Lorenzis G. Molecular evolution of mib-related genes in Armenian aboriginal grapevines. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 98-100.
  35. Margaryan S., Petrek M., Manukyan G. Phenotype of unstimulated and stimulated by lypopolysacharide neutrophils from patients with Familial Mediterranean fever. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 101-102.
  36. Melkonyan A., Zhamharyan L. Assessment of mycotoxins concentration in wheat from the different regions of Armenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 103-104.
  37. Mkrtchyan M.S., Zakaryan M.K., Mnatsakanyan A.A., Arakelova K.A., Gevorgyan Z.U., Ktsoyan L.A., Sedrakyan A.M., Hovhannisyan A.I., Ghazaryan K.A., Boyajyan A.S., Ktsoyan Zh.A., Aminov R.I. Allergic reactions in salmonellosis depends on the serotype of pathogens. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 105-106.
  38. Nersisyan L. A cytoscape plugin for KEGG pathway parsing and drill down. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 111-112.
  39. Nersisyan N. Peripheric red blood cells pathology during the ASFV. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 113-115.
  40. Novoselova M., Linnik A., Sukhikh C., Prosekov A., Zakharyan A., Boyajyan A. Selection of universal primers for adulteration identification of apricot product. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 120-121.
  41. Petrosyan M., Hovhannisyan L., Harutyunyan K., Musaelian R. Subpopulation of the immune complexes in posttraumatic stress disorder: implication to disease-associated inflammatory-immune responses. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1),122-123.
  42. Petrosyan M.S. Influence of cellular-phone radiofrequency electromagnetic waves on the rat key enzymes. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 124-125.
  43. Saponjian Y., Wakefield S.E., Macklin E.A., Isbrandt D., Boyajyan A., Tseng B.S. Impaired de novo creatine synthesis in skeletal muscles exacerbates severity of mdx muscular dystrophy. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1), 126-127.
  44. Sargsyan K.A., Hovnanyan N.L., Hovnanyan K.O. Application of light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy for visualization of amyloid Familial Mediterranean fever. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1),130-131.
  45. Stepanyan A.S. Study of association between ischemic stroke and genetic polymorphisms of the complement alternative pathway factor H. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1),139-140.
  46. Torgomyan T.R., Lazyan M.P., Batikyan T.B., Ghazaryan R.A., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Yu.V. relationship between lipid second messengers generation and diverse proteinkinase C activation in blood lymphocytes at norm and in ovarian cancer. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1),147-148.
  47. Zakaryan H. S., Karalyan Z. A. Quantitative analysis of RNA and acidic proteins of monoblasts and monocytes infected with African swine fever virus. Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, 2013, (1), 47–49.
  48. Zakharyan R., Atshemyan S., Gevorgyan A., Boyajyan A. Synaptic plasticity regulating genes in schizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2013, 65 (Suppl. 1),150-152.
  49. Zakharyan R., Gevorgyan A., Atshemyan S., Torosyan S., Boyajyan A. Genetic risk factors for schizophrenia among synaptogenesis regulating proteins. Armenian Journal of Mental Health, 2013, 4 (Suppl. 1), 91-92.
  50. Zakharyan R.V., Boyajyan A.S. Neurotrophin family gene as potential target for schizophrenia. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (NAS RA), 2013, 2(21), 82-86.
  51. Arakelov G.G., Jahangiryan S.G., Nazaryan K.B. Molecular modeling of the pyrin domains structure and their interaction dynamics with apoptosis proteins. RAU Herald, 2012, 2, 49-54.
  52. Mirzoyan A.F., Karalyan Z.A., Mirzoyan F. V., Ghazaryan P.A. The Mechanism of action of the drug from the polyoxymetalat class on the distribution of cell nuclei for ploid classes. NAS RA Reports, 2012, 112 (4), 403-410.
  53. Boyajyan A. Nanobiology and nanomedicine as the important parts of nanotechnology. In the World of Science, 2012, (4), 40-45.
  54. Chavushyan А.S. Annexin-А5 as a marker of apoptotic hyperfunction in schizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 64 (4), 91-93.
  55. Petrova N.A. Chirova S.V., Harutyunova K.V., Harutyunova M.V. Morphological deformation of mouthparts in some species of Orthocladiinae subfamily and Dlamesinae (Diptera, Chironomidae). Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 64 (4), 48-52.
  56. Melik-Andreasyan G.G., Keshishyan A.Sh., Manukyan D.V., Harutyunova K.V., Harutyunova M.V., Voskanyan L.D. The Study of certain territory in Armenia for the presence of natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis and West Nile fever. Medical Science of Armenia, 2012, 52 (4), 52-58.
  57. Hakobjanyan А.А. The study of the oxidation processes in the brain during aging. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 52 (4), 97-99.
  58. Zanginyan H.V., Kazaryan G.S., Hovsepyan L.M. Investigation of lipid peroxidation and oxide content nitrogen in the blood of patients with echinococcosis. Medical Science of Armenia, 2012, 52 (4), 107-111.
  59. Akopian J.I., Nersesova L.S., Gazariants M.G., Mkrtchian Z.S., Poghosyan L.H., Poghosyan L.L. Some enzymatic effects of total body radiation of rats by low intensity 900 MHz microwaves. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 64 (3), 70-75.
  60. Akopian J.I., Kazaryan P.A. Biological activity of double-stranded RNA. Pharma, 2012, (3), 77-82.
  61. Torgomyan T.R. Acylation of lipids in blood lymphocytes in ovarian cancer. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences NAS RA, 2012, 18(1), 15-19.
  62. Zakaryan H.S. The study of ploidy index of neuroblastoma cell line, SK-N-MC, during infection with human herpesvirus-1. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 64 (2), 10-15.
  63. Hovnanyan N.L., Sargsyan K.A., Karapetyan L.E., Gusakova N.F., Hovnanyan K.O. Electronic microscopic indication of asbestos in environment and in live systems of eukaryotic cells. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences NAS RA, 2012, 1(15), 3-7.
  64. Simonyan A.A., Margaryan A.S., Simonyan N.D., Badalyan R.B., Hovnanyan K.O. Functional heterogeneity of brain and liver mitochondria of endemic fishes of lake Sevan. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 64 (1), 99-104.
  65. Chavushyan A.S., Boyajyan A.S., Gevorgyan A.P., Hovsepyan M.R., Hovhannisyan M.G. Cryoglobulins of patients with schizophrenia as inductors of tumor necrosis factor-a expression in human leukocytes. Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine, 2012, 15 (4 (71)), 9-11.
  66. Zakharyan R.V., Boyajyan A.S., Gevorgyan A.P. Genetic polymorphisms of immune response mediators. Issues in Theoretical and Clinical Medicine, 2012, 15 (4 (71)), 26-28.
  67. Torgomyan T.R., Lazyan M.P., Davtyan H.H., Batikyan T.B., Kazaryan R.A., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Fatty acid content modification of lipids in blood mononuclear cells in breast and ovarian cancers. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 64 (2), 73-79.
  68. Hovsepyan L.M., Kazaryan G.S., Lvov M.L., Hakobjanyan A.A. Oxidative modification proteins and lipids in the experimental induced Parkinsonian syndrome. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2012, 64 (2), 80-84.
  69. Hovnanyan K.O., Navasardyan L.A., Hovnanyan M.K., Trchounian A.A. Ultrastructural analysis of volutin-acidocalciumosomes formation in some species of bacteria, spirochetes, yeast and protozoa during morphogenesis and under environment different factors action. NAS RA Reports, 2012, 112(1), 118-126.
  70. Atshemyan S., Ghazaryan H., Zakharyan R., Boyajyan A. Proinflammatory cytokine blood levels and genetic variant in schizophrenia. RAU Herald, 2011, 2, 55-59.
  71. Hovhannisyan M.G., Chavushyan A. S., Hovsepyan M.R., Boyajyan A.S. The effect of type III cryoglobulins isolated from ischemic stroke and schizophrenia patients on cultured lymphocytes. RAU Herald, 2011, 2, 64-68.
  72. Hovnanyan K.O., Karageuzyan K.G., Mamikonyan V.Kh, Margaryan A.S., Sargsyan Ch.A. Antioxidants as effective remedies at hepatotoxic action of natural and synthetic agents. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (NAS RA), 2011, 2(17), 9-13.
  73. Harutyunyan A.S. Genetic affinity of Assyrians living in Armenia to different ethic groups of the Near East and South Caucasus. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2011, 63(4), 46-50.
  74. Arakelova E.A., Arakelyan A.A., Mkrtchyan G.M., Hovsepyan M.R., Ayvazyan V.A., Avetisyan G.V., Boyajyan A.S. Molecular pathomechanisms of ischemic stroke. Medical Science of Armenia, 2011, 51(1), 88-99.
  75. Zanginyan H.V. Action of immunostimulant “Echinacea Hexal” and phyto- antihelmintic on system. “parasite – host” at rats experimental trichinellosis. Medical Science of Armenia, 2011, 51(2), 77-84.
  76. Hovnanyan K.O., Mkrtchyan A.A., Sargsyan Ch.A., Shahinyan Е.V., Kukurtchyan N. S., Karapetyan G.R., Kevorkian G. A. Ultrastructural injuries of white rats kidneys at Crush Syndrome and protective role of PRP. Medical Science of Armenia, 2011, 51, (2), 53-63.
  77. Babayan N. Study in vitro of structure/activity dependence of new porphyrins as radiosensitizers. Scentific Transactions of Yerevan State University, 2011, 2 (225), 34-38.
  78. Rahnemoon A.R. Cytogenetic characteristics of acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients in a specific Iranian population. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences NAS RA, 2011, 1(16), 17-19.
  79. Andonian L.V. Y chromosome diversity in Nor Jugha Armenians: comparison of two data sets. Biological Journal of Armenia. 2011, 1(63), 85-87.
  80. Hovsepyan L.M., Zakaryan G.V., Kazaryan G.S. Study of oxidative modification of proteins and lipids at hypoxia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (3). 42-45.
  81. Semerjyan Z.B. Behaviour of neuroblastome cell population in the culture under influence of biologically active substances. Surgical bulletin of Armenia, 2010, 2 (71), с. 81-90.
  82. Hovnanyan K. O. , Davtyan H.H., Sargsyan Ch. A., Trchounian A. A. Nanostructures of some viruses, bacterial and protozoa cells. NAS RA Reports, 2010, 110(3), 277-284.
  83. Hovnanyan K. O., Karapetyan L. E., Sargsyan Ch. A., Hovnanyan N. L., Hasratyan L. Kh., Gusakova N. F. Electronic microscopic indication of asbestos in environment and in eukaryotic cells. Globe of Science, 2010, 9, 63-67.
  84. Davtyan H.H.., Sargsyan C.A., Hovnanyan K.O. The ultrastructural characteristic of nanoarchitecture of some biological objects. Collection of Articles of the Anniversary Scientific Session dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Yerevan State University, (2. Natural Sciences), 2010, 174-179.
  85. Snkhchyan H.S., Danielyan K.E., Boyajyan A.S. Functional genomics of adenosine deaminase in immune response. Collection of Articles of the Anniversary Scientific Session dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Yerevan State University, (2. Natural Sciences), 2010, 191-198.
  86. Tsakanova G.V., Ayvazyan V.A., Boyajyan A.S., Arakelova E.A., Grigoryan G.S. State of antioxidant and pro-oxidant systems in acute ischemic stroke complicated and non-complicated by diabetes mellitus. Medical Science of Armenia, 2010, 50(1), 74-78.
  87. Boyajyan A.S., Arakelyan A.A., Ayvazyan V.A., Mkrtchyan G.M. Abnormal lipoprotein-X. Medical Science of Armenia, 2010, 50(2), 18-32.
  88. Hakobyan V.P., Zhamharyan L.G. Peculiarities of energetic metabolism under condition of hypokinesia and its pharmacological correction. Medical Science of Armenia, 2010, 50(2), 3-17.
  89. Hovhannisyan L.P. Circulating immune complexes as possible inflammatory markers in posttraumatic stress disorder. Medical Sciece of Armenia, 2010, 50 (4), 69-75.
  90. Tsakanova G., Arakelova E., Hovsepyan T., Zhamgaryan L., Hambardzumyan M., Avetisyan G., Ayvazyan V., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A. Blood levels of membrane-attack complex, complement factor H Y402H functional polymorphism, C-reactive protein and soluble antioxidant system capacity in patients with ischemic stroke. Blood, 2010, 1(10), 21-22.
  91. Zakharyan R. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the complement system C1Q protein in schizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62(1), 51-56.
  92. Arakelyan A., Hakobyan S., Zhamgaryan L., Hambardzumyan M., Arakelova E., Hovsepyan T., Grigoryan G., Morgan P.B., Boyajyan A. Complement factor H Y402H functional polymorphism in patients with ischemic stroke. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (2),34-39.
  93. Semerjyan Z. B., Zakaryan O. S., Ramazyan N. V., Avagyan H. R. The action of dsRNA on synthesis of nucleic acids and oncofetal protein in HeLa cells in vitro. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (2), 95-100.
  94. Manukyan A. Linkage between CCR4 and G1-phase cyclones. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (3), 91-97.
  95. Zakharyan R. Functional polymorphism in the interleukin-6 gene as a risk factor for schizophrenia in Armenian population. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (Suppl. 1),130-133.
  96. Arakelyan A., Hambardzumyan M., Boyajyan A. Complement factor H gene polymorphic variant is elevated in ischemic stroke. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (Suppl. 1), 9-12.
  97. Karapetyan D., Arakelyan A., Nersisyan L., Aslanyan L., Boyajyan A. GOMESH: a tool for analyzing gene ontology data. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (Suppl. 1), 41-43.
  98. Chavushyan A.S., Zakharyan R.V., Khoyetsyan A.G. Protective effect of the complement component gene polymorphism in schizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62 (Suppl. 1), 24-27.
  99. Zhamharyan L.G., Hovsepyan T.Zh., Arakelyan A.A., Arakelova E.A. Comparative estimation effects of nicotinil-and isonicotinil-L-tryptophanate on interleukine-1b blood level in rats during irradiation. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 134-135.
  100. Zakaryan L., Sargsyan N., Tovmasyan H., Manukyan K. Genotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hidrocarbons: postreplication repair of DNA in the eukaryotic cell cultures of various differentiations. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 124-129.
  101. Tsakanova G.V., Arakelova E.A. Markers of oxidative stress in acute ischemic stroke. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 114-116.
  102. Torgomyan T.R., Hakobyan G.V., Davtyan H.H., Batikyan T.B., Kazaryan R.A., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Generation of lipid second messengers in stimulated blood lymphocites in ovarian cancer. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 110-113.
  103. Poghosyan S., Poghosyan L. Enzymes as biomarkers of the impact induced by ionizing radiation on rats. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 88-91.
  104. Eskandari G., Jolodar A., Ktsoyan Zh. cDNA amplifyng and sequence analysis of an alpha-neurotoxin from the Scorpion Mesobuthus Eupeus venom gland. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 28-31.
  105. Hakobjanyan A.A., Kazaryan G.S., Hovsepyan L.M. Age-dependent changes in protein oxidative modification. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 32-35.
  106. Hakobyan G.V., Batikyan T.B., Kazaryan R.A., Amirkhanyan E.S., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Phospholipid-catabolizing enzyme activities in plazma membranes of blood lymphocytes in hematological malignancies. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 36-40.
  107. Lazyan M.P., Batikyan T.B., Kazaryan R.A., Davtyan H.H., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Phospholipase activities in blood lymphocyte plazma membranes in breast cancer. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 44-47.
  108. Margaryan A., Andonian L., Harutyunyan A. Patrilineal genetic legacy of Persians, Azeris and Iranian Armenians in the Middle East context. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 55-58.
  109. Arzumanyan H.H. Dynamics of alteration in the lymphoid cells population in Swine peripheric blood during African Swine Fever virus infection. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 12-15.
  110. Babayan N., Tovmasyan A., Pogosyan D., Ghazaryan R., Gasparyan G., Aroutiounyan R. Investigation of in vitro anticancer activity and tissue-specificity of potential anticancer agents. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 16-19.
  111. Martirosyan A., Manukyan G., Ghazaryan K., Ktsoyan Zh., Khachatryan Z., Tatyan M., Aminov R. Multivariate analysis of cytokines as a potential meta-biomarker of disease. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 59-62.
  112. Martirosyan G., Tovmasyan H. Imobilizing cells of Bacillus Subtilis B-MB 401 and Bacillus Megaterium B-MB 402 for inuline processing. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 63-67.
  113. Mayilyan K.R. Level of circulating C-reactive protein (CRP) in chronic shizophrenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 68-73.
  114. Mkrtchyan G., Sargsyan M., Hovhannisyan L. Immune and endocrine system relationship in Familial Mediterranean Fever. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 79-82.
  115. Poghosyan D.A., Tadevosyan G.L., Nersisyan L.R., Davtyan T.K. The effect of ID 1F7+ antibodies on LPS-induced cytokine secretion by monocytes. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2010, 62, (Suppl.1), 83-87.
  116. Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A., Hovsepyan T., Hambardzumyan M., Arakelova E. Systemic inflammatory response in human ischemic stroke. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 20-21.
  117. Martirosyan G., Snkhchyan R., Andreassyan N., Tovmasyan H., Sargissova Ye, Mardanyan S., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A. The levels of adenosine deaminases 1 and 2 and ADA 1 functional NT22 G>A polymorphism in ischemic stroke. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 86-87.
  118. Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Boyajyan A., Ayvazyan A., Nazaretyan E. The role of complement system in Familial Mediterranean Fever. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 95-96.
  119. Zakharyan R., Khoyetsyan A., Arakelyan A., Gevorgyan A., Melkumova M., Torosyan S., Mrazek F., Petrek M., Boyajyan A. C-reactive protein gene single nucleotide polymorphisms in schizophrenia. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 153.
  120. Hakobyan G., Batikyan T., Lazyan M., Torgomyan T., Galstyan H., Alexanyan K., Amirkhanyan E., Tadevosyan Yu.. Lipid remodeling processes in blood lymphocytes at cancer. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 56-57.
  121. Karalyan Z., Abroyan L., Susanyan M., Karalova E. Nuclear phenotype modification in human cell cultures after encephalomyocarditis virus infection. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 67-68.
  122. Khachatryan Z., Ktsoyan Zh., Manukyan G., Sedrakyan A., Arakelova K., Hovhannisyan A., Beloborodova N., Aminov R. Broken relationship between host and microbes in Familial Mediterranean Fever. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 72-73.
  123. Manukyan G., Ghazaryan K., Ktsoyan Zh., Khachatryan Z., Tatyan M., Aminov R. Increased Immune Reactivity towards bacterial antigens in Familial Mediterranean Fever. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 78-79.
  124. Pogosyan D., Tadevosyan G., Nersisyan L., Arakelyan A. CD4 expression on activated human monocytes after different ways of stimulation. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 111-112.
  125. Hakobyan D., Varzhabetyan L., Nazaryan K. Molecular dynamics of ạ-tubulin and indibulin interaction. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4 (1), 55-56.
  126. Movsisyan L., Babayan N., Margaryan K., Tovmasyan A. Synthesis of new amphiphilic (metallo) porphyrins and investigation of their in vitro anticancer activity. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2010, 4(1), 100-101.
  127. Andonian L., Harutyunian A., Margarian A., Khachatryan Z., Yepiskoposian L. Iranian Armenians in the Armenian genetic landscape. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences 2010, 2(15), 40-45.
  128. Lazyan M. Alteration in blood llymphocyte phospholipid-catabolizing enzyme activities in breast cancer. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences NAS RA, 2010, 2 (15), 49-52.
  129. Arakelova E.A. Тhe terminal complement complex in ischemic stroke. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences NAS RA, 2010, 2 (15), 46-48.
  130. Tsakanova G.V. Oxidative stress in acute ischemic stroke. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences NAS RA, 2010, 2 (15), 53-54.
  131. Akopian J. I., Ghazaryants M. G., Markosyan T. H. The new approach to the prevention of the Newcastle disease of poultry. NAS RA Reports, 2010, 110 (3), 291-294.
  132. Hovhannisyan L.P., Mkrtchyan G.M., Sukiasyan S.H., Ambardzumyan M.K., Avetisyan G.V., Boyajyan A.S. Complement as a pathogen factor in post-traumatic stress disorder. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2009, 61 (1), 48-53.
  133. Hovnanyan K.O. Modeling of parasite-host interaction on isolated sterile intestine in inbred mice: ultrastructural analysis. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (NAS RA, Blackwell), 2009, 1 (12), 65-71.
  134. Zanginyan H.V., Asatryan A.M., Terenina N.B. The levels of serotonin in different sections of rat brain under experimental trichinellosis. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2009, 61 (2), 70-72.
  135. Harutyunyan N.S., Avetisyan N.S., Manukyan K.L. Clean development mechanism (CDM) potential for promoting sustainable development in Armenia. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2009, 61 (1), 40-47.
  136. Ghazaryan G.S. Biochemical changes originating in the rat brain before and after treatment upon modeling dysfunction of dopaminergic system. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2009, 61 (4).
  137. Voskanyan H.E., Tusuzyan A.T., Manucharyan D.Sh., Karalyan Z.A. Mutual relations of encephalomyocarditis virus with Paramecium аurelia. NAS RA Reports, 2009, 109 (3), 249-253.
  138. Hovnanyan K.O. Ultrastructural architectonics of microorganisms’ intracellular interactions in biofilms in vitro and in vivo. NAS RA Reports, 2009, 109(1), 78-85.
  139. Hovnanyan K.O., Karageuzyan K.G., Mamikonyan V.Kh., Margaryan A.S. Comparative ultrastructural analysis of citoprotective action of bioantioxidants on hepatocits with the toxic cirrhosis. NAS RA Reports, 2009, 109(3), 256-261.
  140. Hovsepyan L.М., Kazaryan G.S., Zakharyan G.V. The role of the active forms of oxygen in mitochondria. Medical Science of Armenia, 2009, 49 (3), 3-10.
  141. Gasparyan G.H., Grigoryan R.M., Sarkisyan N.K., Babayan N.S., Poghosyan D.A., Hovhannisyan G.G., Aroutiounian R.M. Alternative in vitro toxicology: the present and future in Armenia. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2009, 3(2), 49-57.
  142. Hakopyan Zh. Biologists and biology. In the World of Science, 2009, (1), 48-53.
  143. Hakopyan Zh. Immunity. In the World of Science, 2009, (3), 46-49.
  144. Beloborodova N.V., Ossipov G.А., Arakelova К.А., Sedrakyan А.М., Hovhannisyan A.I. Sargsyan N.N. Microecological state of Armenian healthy controls by GC-MS analysis of microbial markers in blood. Globe of Science, 2008, 8, 115-121.
  145. Hovnanyan K.O., Arustamyan E.V., Tarasov А.N., Demichev N.P., Podgornov V.V., Asatryan R.G., Hovnanyan М.К., Karageuzyan K.G. Electron miscroscopy control of instillation effect of bone chondroma cryoapplication. Globe of Science, 2008, 8, 122-126.
  146. Hovnanyan K.O. Ultrastructural characteristics of L-transformation of cell wall of gram-negative intestinal bacteria under the influence of lysozyme and и ampicillin. Globe of Science, 2008, 8, 127-131.
  147. Sedrakyan А.М., Gevorgyan Z.U., Arakelova К.А., Ktsoyan Zh.А. Study of gut microflora of patients with salmonellosis. NAS RA Reports, 2008, 108 (1), 84-90.
  148. Hovnanyan K.O. Viruses-symbionts of parasitic and free-living Entamoeba: ultrastructural and morphometrical analysis. NAS RA Reports, 2008, 108 (4), 356-361.
  149. Saakyan G.V., Batikyan T.B., Artsruni G.G. The influence of electrostatic fields on structural and functional state of epididymal spermatozoids. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 2008, 2(4), 75-84.
  150. Hovnanyan K.O., Navasardyan L.H., Hakobyan H.А., Marutyan S.V., Asatryan R.G., Hovnanyan М.К., Pepoyan А.Z. Scanning and transmission electron miscroscopy study of the effect of X-radiation on Candida guilliermondii NP-4 culture. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2008, 60(4), 67-71.
  151. Hovsepyan L.M., Lvov M.V., Aganyants M.A., Ghazaryan G.S. Characteristics of quantitative changes of neutral and acidic glycolipids at experimental myocardial infarction. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2008, 60 (1-2), 109-112.
  152. Saakyan G.V., Artsruni G.G., Batikyan T.B. Changes in functional activity of rat epididymal sperm after the influence of electrostatic fields. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2008, 1-2, 60(1-2), 49-53.
  153. Manukyan G.P. Specific antibacterial antibodies in sera of patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Medical Science of Armenia, 2008, 48(3), 67-76.
  154. Abroyan L.O., Hakobyan L.H., Avetisyan A.S., Karalova E.M. Changes in cytological parameters of MT-4 continouous lymphoblastoid cell line at cultivation. Medical Science of Armenia, 2008, 48(2), 52-59.
  155. Lvov M.V., Hovsepyan L.M., Aganyants M.A. Antiarythmic properties of “MIR-11” preparation. Medical Science of Armenia, 2008, 48(3), 33-40.
  156. Babayan N.S., Gevorgyan A.L., Tovmasyan A.G. In vitro investigation of new water-soluble Ag-porphyrin (TOEtPyPAg). Scientific Proceedings of YSU, 2008, 2, 150-152.
  157. Asatrian А.М., Zanginyan А.V. Investigation of cellular and tissue mechanisms of helmint-host system homeostasis in muscle trichinellosis in norm and after the influence of plant-origin biostimulator and antihelmintic. Information Technologies and Management, 2008, 2, 52-65.
  158. Hovsepyan L.S., Ghazaryan K.A., Tatyan M.V., Manukyan G.P., Budaghyan L.G., Mkrtchyan V.A. Investigation of cytokine network in pathologies accompanied with antiphospholipid syndrome. Globe of Science, 2007, 7, 65-68.
  159. Hovsepyan L.M, Djanpoladyan E.G., Zakaryan A.V, Karageuzyan К.G. Specificity of glycolipid metabolism disorder and lipid peroxidation process in experimental cerebral edema. Information Technologies and Management, 2007, 3, 114-118.
  160. Hovsepyan L.M, Zakaryan A.V, Amirkhanyan H.М., Lvov М.V., Aganyants М.А. Influence of hypoxia on metabolism of neutral glycolipids in the brain. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2007, 59 (3-4),188-192.
  161. Lvov М.V., Hovsepyan L.M., Djanpoladyan E.G. Mechanism of arrhythmia generation in embryonic myocardial explants at uncoupling respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. Biological Journal of Armenia, 2007, 59 (3-4), 193-197.
  162. Boyajyan A.S., Manukyan L.A., Grigoryan G.S., Ayvazyan V.A., Tsakanova G.V., Avetisyan G.V., Hovhannisyan L.P., Arakelova E.A., Devejyan H.G., Khoyetsyan A.G., Mktrchyan G.M. Functional activities of the classical and alternative pathways of complement activation in the blood of patients with acute ischemic stroke. Blood, 2007, 1(5), 41-46.
  163. Boyajyan A.S., Arakelova E.A., Ayvazyan V.A., Mktrchyan G.M., Tsakanova G.V. Avetisyan G.V., Hovhannisyan L.P., Khoyetsyan A.G., Manukyan L.A., Arakelyan A.A., Hovsepyan M.R., Mayilyan K.R., Hakobyan S.S. Relationships between postischemic inflammatory response and alterations in blood brain barrier integrity. Blood, 2007, 1(5), 45-54.
  164. Khoyetsyan A.G., Hakobyan S.S., Tsakanova G.V., Boyajyan A.S. Functional activity of the alternative complement cascade in the blood of patients with paranoid form of schizophrenia. Blood, 2007, 1(5), 60-65.
  165. Nersesova L.S., Gazaryanc M.G., Meliksetyan G.O., Mkrtchyan Z.S., Pogosyan L.G., Ghazaryan A.S., Hakobyan Zh.I. Hepatotoxicity of 1,3-diazaadamantanes derivatives with antitumor activity. Blood, 2007, 1(5), 35-40.
  166. Mktrchyan G.M., Hovhannisyan L.P., Boyajyan A.S., Ayvazyan A.A., Yeganyan G.A. Influence of colchicine on content of circulating immune complexes in patients with familial Mediterranean fever complicated and not complicated by amyloidosis. Medical Herald Erebouni (Meditsinskii Vestnik Erebuni), 2007, 3(31), 57-63.
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  168. Karalyan Z.A., Mkrtchyan L.N., Manrikyan M.H., Abroyan L.O. Changes in nuclear and nucleolar cytometric indices under the activation of aluminium toxicosis in human cellular cultures. Medical Science of Armenia, 2007, 47(2), 44-48.
  169. Karalova Ye. M., Abroyan L.O., Hakobyan L.A., Avetisyan A.S., Jaghatspanyan H.G., Voskanyan H.E., Semerjyan Z.B., Karalyan Z.A. Cytological analysis of interferon of various origins and leukocytal interferon on the transformation line of human laryx cancer during cultivation period. Medical Science of Armenia, 2007, 47(4), 57-64.
  170. Melkonyan M.H., Hakobyan G.V., Tadevosyan A.Yu., Batikyan T.B., Amirkhanyan E.S., Altman A., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Acylation of lipids by arachidonic acid and generation of lipid second messengers in anti-CD3/CD28 costimulated lymphocytes at norm and diverse forms of leukemia. Medical Science of Armenia, 2007, 47(2), 56-63.
  171. Lvov M.V., Djanpoladyan E.G. Antiarythmic properties of cyclomecaine. Medical Science of Armenia, 2007, 47 (3), 13-17.
  172. Melkonyan M.H., Hakobyan G.V., Batikyan T.B., Lazyan M.P., Amirkhanyan E.S. The lipid second messengers formation upon stimulation of lymphocytes forbol 12-miristat with 13-acetat from patients with normal and acute myeloblastic leukemia. Military Medicine, 2007, 2, 48-52.
  173. Hakobyan G.V., Melkonyan M.H., Batikyan T.B., Lazyan M.P., Amirkhanyan E.S. Specificities of lipid second messengers formation upon PMA stimulation of lymphocytes from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Military Medicine, 2007, 2, 53-58.
  174. Asatrian A.M., Zanginyan A.V., Avagyan H.R. Identification of Trichinella helminthes DNA. Scientific Proceedings of ASPU (Gitakan teghekagir), 2007, 1-2 (5-6), 19-25.
  175. Zanginyan A.V. Determination of the index of relative danger of animals, infested by Trichinella. Proceedings of SAUA, 3, 2007, 55-57.