
  1. Եպիսկոպոսյան Լ.Մ., Չընդհատված կոդ. հայոց գենետիկական պատմություն, Ե., «Էդիթ Պրինտ» հրատ., 2022, 250 էջ: ISBN 978-9939-75-817-6


  1. Wood M., Mothersill C., Tsakanova G., Cresswel T., Woloschak G. (Editors), Biomarkers of Radiation in the Environment (BRITE), “Springer Netherlands” Publisher, 2021, 346p.


  1. Arabyan E., Kotsinyan A., Hakobyan A., Zakaryan H., African swine fever virus, In: Zakaryan H. (Ed), Porcine viruses: From pathogenesis to strategies for control, UK, “Caister Academic Press” publishing house, 2019, pp. 1-20.


  1. Ցականովա Գ., Առաքելովա Է., Մելքոնյան Ա., Պրոտեոմիկայի հիմունքները, Ե., «Էլեն Պրինտ» հրատ., 2018, 165 էջ:
  2. Mayilyan K., Hyusyan A., Farah J., Complete deficiency of complement C4, (eds. MacKay I., Rose N.), Chapter in: Encyclopedia of Medical Immunology, NY, USA, “Springer” publishing house, 2018, pp.1-8.
  3. Zakharyan R., Arakelyan A., NGF in psychiatric disorders: update on current findings, Chapter in: Advanced in Medicine and Biology, USA, “Nova Science Publishers” publishing house, 2018, pp.85-104


  1. Կարապետյան Ա.Թ., Բաջինյան Ս.Ա., Մալաքյան Մ.Հ., Շահինյան Մ.Ա., Վարդևանյան Պ.Հ., Ոչ իոնիզացնող էլեկտրամագնիսական ալիքների ազդեցությունը կենսահամակարգերի վրա, Ե., «ՌՀՀ» հրատ., 2017, Ι7Ι էջ:
  2. Tatoyan M., Abroyan L., Karalova E., Peculiarity of embryonic erythropoiesis of pigs, “Lambert” Academic Publishing, 2017, 64 p.


  1. Arakelyan A., Nersisyan L., Hakobyan A., Application of MATLAB in -оmics and systems biology, In: Applications from engineering with MATLAB concepts (Editor: Valdman J.), Croatia, publ. “InTech”, 2016, DOI: 10.5772/62847.
  2. Fernandez Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P. (Editors), Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, Dordrecht, publ. “Springer”, 2016, 349 p.
  3. Fernández-Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P, Introduction: Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, In: Fernández-Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P. (Editors), Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, Dordrecht, publ. “Springer”, 2016, p. 1-26.
  4. King T., Compton T., Rosas A., Andrews P. Yepiskoposyan L., Asryan L., Azokh Caves Hominin Remains, In: Fernández-Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P. (Editors), Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, Dordrecht, publ. “Springer”, 2016, p. 103-106.


  1. Tadevosyan Y.V. Cell signaling pathways. 1 Print, Armenia, 2015, 75 pp. ISBN: 978-9939-1-0175-0 (in Armenian).
  2. Tsakanova G.V., Boyajyan A.S. Protein engineering. Gitutyun, Armenia, 2015, 50 pp. ISBN: 978-5-8080-1174-8 (in Armenian).
  3. Boyajyan A., Avetian D., Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G. Genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder: candidate genes and their implication in the disease-associated molecular pathomechanisms. In: A Fresh Look at Anxiety (Editor: F. Durbano), InTech, Croatia, 2015, pp.65-88. ISBN: 978-953-51-2149-7
  4. Boyajyan A., Zakharyan R., Atshemyan S., Ghazaryan H. Chapter “Biopsychology of schizophrenia: novel molecular genetic markers of cognitive dysfunction”. In: Advances in Psychology Research (Editor: A.M. Columbus), Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, (in press), 2015, v. 110, pp. 69-124. ISBN: 978-1-63482-629-7.

2005 – 2014:

  1. Boyajyan A., Hovsepyan M., Arakelova E. & Tsakanova G. Neuroimmune alterations in diabetes: implications to molecular pathomechanisms of complications. In: Research on Diabetes II. iConcept Press Ltd., USA, 2014.
  2. Tadevosyan Y.V., Galstyan H.M., Lazyan M.P., Torgomyan T.R., Hakobyan G.V., ., Kazaryan R.A., Lipids of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in breast and ovarian cancer. Lipidology – Science of XXI Century, (ed.: Siniaev D.N.), RF, Alliance, 2014, pp.109-122.
  3. Hakobyan G.V., Batikyan Т.B., Amirkhanyan E.S., Altman A., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Lipids of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in leukemia. Lipidology – Science of XXI Century (editor: Siniaev D.N.), RF, Alliance, 2014, pp.17-26.
  4. Karalyan Z. Metabolism as one of the mechanisms of resistance of cells to picornaviruses. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013, -136pp.
  5. Arakelyan A., Aslanyan L., Boyajyan A. High-throughput gene expression analysis concepts and applications. In: Genomics II – Bacteria, Viruses and Metabolic Pathways. iConcept Press Ltd., USA 2013, pp.71-95.
  6. Boyajyan A., Poghosyan A., Hovsepyan T., Arakelova E., Zhamharyan L., Ayvazyan V., Malakyan M., Bajinyan S., Matosyan V., Tonoyan V. Cyclic amino acid derivatives as new generation of radio-protectors. In: Advanced Sensors for Safety and Security (editors: A. Vaseashta, S. Khudaverdyan), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Springer Verlag, Netherlands, 2013, pp. 271-278
  7. Boyajyan A., Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Avetyan D. Chapter 5 Alterations in the immune response, apoptosis and synaptic plasticity in posttraumatic stress disorder: molecular indicators and relation to clinical symptoms. In: New Insights Into Anxiety Disorders (Editor: F. Durbano), InTech, Croatia, 2013, pp.105-133.
  8. Asatryan A. Trihinellosis. “Gitutyun” (“Science”) Publishing-House of NAS RA, Armenia, 2013, -200 pp.
  9. Yepiskoposyan L. Genetic portray of the different geographic groups of Western and Eastern Armenia. In: Capitals of Armenia. Book I, Yerevan, “Gitutyun” (“Science”) Publishing-House of NAS RA, Armenia, 2013, pp.226-232
  10. Boyajyan A., Zakharyan R., Khoyetsyan A. Chapter XI. .Molecular and genetic indicators of aberrant immunity and apoptosis in schizophrenia In: Schizophrenia Research: Recent Advances (Editor: T. Sumiyoshi), Section II: Neuropsychobiological insights, Series: Mental Illnesses and Treatments, Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2012, pp.183-240.
  11. Khoyetsyan A., Boyajyan A. Chapter X. The prospective epigenetic keys for the inflammatory puzzle of schizophrenia. In: Schizophrenia Research: Recent Advances (Editor: T. Sumiyoshi), Section II: Neuropsychobiological insights, Series: Mental Illnesses and Treatments, Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2012, pp.171-182.
  12. Nersesova L.S., Khachatryan Z.A., Mkrtchyan S.A. Introduction to Bioethics (Editor: A.S. Boyajyan) , “Gitutyun” (“Science”) Publishing-House of NAS RA, Armenia, 2012, -443 pp.
  13. Karalova E.M. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of erythrone reduction in hemolytic anemia in hematothermals. IMB NAS RA., Armenia, 2012, -162pp.
  14. Boyajyan A, Arakelyan A., Ayvazyan V. Chapter 5. Lipoprotein-X in diseases. In: Handbook of lipoprotein research (Editor: J.E. Rathbond), Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2011, pp.109-124.
  15. Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A., Sahakyan H., Aslanyan L., Ivanova K., Mitov I. Growing support set systems in analysis of high-throughput gene expression data. In: New trends in classification and data mining (Editors: K. Markov, V. Ryazanov, V. Velychko, L. Aslanyan), Sofia: ITHEA, 2010, pp. 47-53.
  16. Jalvo Y.F., Hovsepian-King T., Moloney N., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P., Murray J., Safarian V., Asryan L., Nieto Diaz M., Alonso D.P., Monford D.M., Mkrtchyan E., Smith C., Correia V.B., Dietchfield P., Geigl E.M., VanDerMade J., Torres T., Scott L., Allue E., Caceres I., Sevilla P., Hardy K., Grun R., Melkonyan A., Campos R., Martin T.S., Hayrabetyan H., Balasanyan G. Chapter XII. Azokh caves excavations 2002-2006. Middle-upper palaeoIitic transition in nagorno-Karabagh. In: Notas para la historia reciente del museo nacional de ciencias naturales (Editors: J. lobon-Cervia, J. Morales), Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2009, pp.325-338.
  17. Hovnanyan K.O., Trchounian A. Cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane structures of some bacteria: novel data and role in pathology. In: Bacterial membranes, ultrastructure, bioelectrochemistry, bioenergetics and biophysics (Editor: A. Trchounian), Kerala: Research Signpost, 2009, pp.1-23.
  18. Mayilyan K.R., Kang Y.H., Dodds A.W., Sim R.B. The complement system in innate immunity. In: Innate Immunity of Plants, Animals and Humans (Editor: H. Heine), Series: Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology, V.21, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, pp.219-236.
  19. Manukyan G., Ghazaryan K.A., Hakobyan G.S., Tatyan M.V. Cytokines. Methodological manual, Yerevan: Amikus, 2008, -62 pp.
  20. Hakobyan M., Yepiskoposyan L. Why infants die in Armenia? Yerevan: Limush, 2008, -128 pp.
  21. Yepiskoposyan L. When genetics and history come across, Yerevan: Limush, 2008, -155 pp.
  22. Hovnanyan K.O. 3D-visualization of cell structures of microorganisms using software. Information bulletin “Video-Tesr” (St. Petersburg), 2008, 23.
  23. Boyajyan A. Reconstruction of the electron transport chain of secretory granule membrane. In: NATO Science Series II, Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp.175-184.
  24. Manukyan L., Ayvazyan V., Boyajyan A. Cryoglobulins in Acute Ischemic Stroke. In: NATO Science Series II, Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp. 289-293.
  25. Khoyetsyan A., Boyajyan A., Melkumova M. The level and chemical composition of cryoglobulins in schizophrenia. In: NATO Science Series II, Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp. 295-298.
  26. Bakhshinyan M.Z., Karalyan Z.A., Aznauryan A.V., Karalova E.M. Macrophages. Organ-specific features. Amikus, Yerevan, 2007, -205 pp.
  27. Di Napoli M., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A., Godoy A., Papa F. Chapter III: The acute phase inflammatory response in stroke: systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation. In: Progress in Inflammation Research (Editor: J. A. Pitzer), Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2005, pp. 95-145.