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  1. Եպիսկոպոսյան Լ.Մ., Չընդհատված կոդ. հայոց գենետիկական պատմություն, Ե., «Էդիթ Պրինտ» հրատ., 2022, 250 էջ: ISBN 978-9939-75-817-6


  1. Wood M., Mothersill C., Tsakanova G., Cresswel T., Woloschak G. (Editors), Biomarkers of Radiation in the Environment (BRITE), “Springer Netherlands” Publisher, 2021, 346p.


  1. Arabyan E., Kotsinyan A., Hakobyan A., Zakaryan H., African swine fever virus, In: Zakaryan H. (Ed), Porcine viruses: From pathogenesis to strategies for control, UK, “Caister Academic Press” publishing house, 2019, pp. 1-20.


    1. Ցականովա Գ., Առաքելովա Է., Մելքոնյան Ա., Պրոտեոմիկայի հիմունքները, Ե., «Էլեն Պրինտ» հրատ., 2018, 165 էջ:
    2. Mayilyan K., Hyusyan A., Farah J., Complete deficiency of complement C4, (eds. MacKay I., Rose N.), Chapter in: Encyclopedia of Medical Immunology, NY, USA, “Springer” publishing house, 2018, pp.1-8.
    3. Zakharyan R., Arakelyan A., NGF in psychiatric disorders: update on current findings, Chapter in: Advanced in Medicine and Biology, USA, “Nova Science Publishers” publishing house, 2018, pp.85-104


    1. Կարապետյան Ա.Թ., Բաջինյան Ս.Ա., Մալաքյան Մ.Հ., Շահինյան Մ.Ա., Վարդևանյան Պ.Հ., Ոչ իոնիզացնող էլեկտրամագնիսական ալիքների ազդեցությունը կենսահամակարգերի վրա, Ե., «ՌՀՀ» հրատ., 2017, Ι7Ι էջ:
    2. Tatoyan M., Abroyan L., Karalova E., Peculiarity of embryonic erythropoiesis of pigs, “Lambert” Academic Publishing, 2017, 64 p.


    1. Arakelyan A., Nersisyan L., Hakobyan A., Application of MATLAB in -оmics and systems biology, In: Applications from engineering with MATLAB concepts (Editor: Valdman J.), Croatia, publ. “InTech”, 2016, DOI: 10.5772/62847.
    2. Fernandez Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P. (Editors), Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, Dordrecht, publ. “Springer”, 2016, 349 p.
    3. Fernández-Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P, Introduction: Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, In: Fernández-Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P. (Editors), Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, Dordrecht, publ. “Springer”, 2016, p. 1-26.
    4. King T., Compton T., Rosas A., Andrews P. Yepiskoposyan L., Asryan L., Azokh Caves Hominin Remains, In: Fernández-Jalvo Y., King T., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P. (Editors), Azokh Cave and the Transcaucasian Corridor, Dordrecht, publ. “Springer”, 2016, p. 103-106.


    1. Tadevosyan Y.V. Cell signaling pathways. 1 Print, Armenia, 2015, 75 pp. ISBN: 978-9939-1-0175-0 (in Armenian).
    2. Tsakanova G.V., Boyajyan A.S. Protein engineering. Gitutyun, Armenia, 2015, 50 pp. ISBN: 978-5-8080-1174-8 (in Armenian).
    3. Boyajyan A., Avetian D., Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G. Genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder: candidate genes and their implication in the disease-associated molecular pathomechanisms. In: A Fresh Look at Anxiety (Editor: F. Durbano), InTech, Croatia, 2015, pp.65-88. ISBN: 978-953-51-2149-7
    4. Boyajyan A., Zakharyan R., Atshemyan S., Ghazaryan H. Chapter “Biopsychology of schizophrenia: novel molecular genetic markers of cognitive dysfunction”. In: Advances in Psychology Research (Editor: A.M. Columbus), Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, (in press), 2015, v. 110, pp. 69-124. ISBN: 978-1-63482-629-7.

2005 – 2014:

    1. Boyajyan A., Hovsepyan M., Arakelova E. & Tsakanova G. Neuroimmune alterations in diabetes: implications to molecular pathomechanisms of complications. In: Research on Diabetes II. iConcept Press Ltd., USA, 2014.
    2. Tadevosyan Y.V., Galstyan H.M., Lazyan M.P., Torgomyan T.R., Hakobyan G.V., ., Kazaryan R.A., Lipids of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in breast and ovarian cancer. Lipidology – Science of XXI Century, (ed.: Siniaev D.N.), RF, Alliance, 2014, pp.109-122.
    3. Hakobyan G.V., Batikyan Т.B., Amirkhanyan E.S., Altman A., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Lipids of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in leukemia. Lipidology – Science of XXI Century (editor: Siniaev D.N.), RF, Alliance, 2014, pp.17-26.
    4. Karalyan Z. Metabolism as one of the mechanisms of resistance of cells to picornaviruses. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013, -136pp.
    5. Arakelyan A., Aslanyan L., Boyajyan A. High-throughput gene expression analysis concepts and applications. In: Genomics II – Bacteria, Viruses and Metabolic Pathways. iConcept Press Ltd., USA 2013, pp.71-95.
    6. Boyajyan A., Poghosyan A., Hovsepyan T., Arakelova E., Zhamharyan L., Ayvazyan V., Malakyan M., Bajinyan S., Matosyan V., Tonoyan V. Cyclic amino acid derivatives as new generation of radio-protectors. In: Advanced Sensors for Safety and Security (editors: A. Vaseashta, S. Khudaverdyan), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Springer Verlag, Netherlands, 2013, pp. 271-278
    7. Boyajyan A., Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Avetyan D. Chapter 5 Alterations in the immune response, apoptosis and synaptic plasticity in posttraumatic stress disorder: molecular indicators and relation to clinical symptoms. In: New Insights Into Anxiety Disorders (Editor: F. Durbano), InTech, Croatia, 2013, pp.105-133.
    8. Asatryan A. Trihinellosis. “Gitutyun” (“Science”) Publishing-House of NAS RA, Armenia, 2013, -200 pp.
    9. Yepiskoposyan L. Genetic portray of the different geographic groups of Western and Eastern Armenia. In: Capitals of Armenia. Book I, Yerevan, “Gitutyun” (“Science”) Publishing-House of NAS RA, Armenia, 2013, pp.226-232
    10. Boyajyan A., Zakharyan R., Khoyetsyan A. Chapter XI. .Molecular and genetic indicators of aberrant immunity and apoptosis in schizophrenia In: Schizophrenia Research: Recent Advances (Editor: T. Sumiyoshi), Section II: Neuropsychobiological insights, Series: Mental Illnesses and Treatments, Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2012, pp.183-240.
    11. Khoyetsyan A., Boyajyan A. Chapter X. The prospective epigenetic keys for the inflammatory puzzle of schizophrenia. In: Schizophrenia Research: Recent Advances (Editor: T. Sumiyoshi), Section II: Neuropsychobiological insights, Series: Mental Illnesses and Treatments, Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2012, pp.171-182.
    12. Nersesova L.S., Khachatryan Z.A., Mkrtchyan S.A. Introduction to Bioethics (Editor: A.S. Boyajyan) , “Gitutyun” (“Science”) Publishing-House of NAS RA, Armenia, 2012, -443 pp.
    13. Karalova E.M. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of erythrone reduction in hemolytic anemia in hematothermals. IMB NAS RA., Armenia, 2012, -162pp.
    14. Boyajyan A, Arakelyan A., Ayvazyan V. Chapter 5. Lipoprotein-X in diseases. In: Handbook of lipoprotein research (Editor: J.E. Rathbond), Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2011, pp.109-124.
    15. Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A., Sahakyan H., Aslanyan L., Ivanova K., Mitov I. Growing support set systems in analysis of high-throughput gene expression data. In: New trends in classification and data mining (Editors: K. Markov, V. Ryazanov, V. Velychko, L. Aslanyan), Sofia: ITHEA, 2010, pp. 47-53.
    16. Jalvo Y.F., Hovsepian-King T., Moloney N., Yepiskoposyan L., Andrews P., Murray J., Safarian V., Asryan L., Nieto Diaz M., Alonso D.P., Monford D.M., Mkrtchyan E., Smith C., Correia V.B., Dietchfield P., Geigl E.M., VanDerMade J., Torres T., Scott L., Allue E., Caceres I., Sevilla P., Hardy K., Grun R., Melkonyan A., Campos R., Martin T.S., Hayrabetyan H., Balasanyan G. Chapter XII. Azokh caves excavations 2002-2006. Middle-upper palaeoIitic transition in nagorno-Karabagh. In: Notas para la historia reciente del museo nacional de ciencias naturales (Editors: J. lobon-Cervia, J. Morales), Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2009, pp.325-338.
    17. Hovnanyan K.O., Trchounian A. Cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane structures of some bacteria: novel data and role in pathology. In: Bacterial membranes, ultrastructure, bioelectrochemistry, bioenergetics and biophysics (Editor: A. Trchounian), Kerala: Research Signpost, 2009, pp.1-23.
    18. Mayilyan K.R., Kang Y.H., Dodds A.W., Sim R.B. The complement system in innate immunity. In: Innate Immunity of Plants, Animals and Humans (Editor: H. Heine), Series: Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology, V.21, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, pp.219-236.
    19. Manukyan G., Ghazaryan K.A., Hakobyan G.S., Tatyan M.V. Cytokines. Methodological manual, Yerevan: Amikus, 2008, -62 pp.
    20. Hakobyan M., Yepiskoposyan L. Why infants die in Armenia? Yerevan: Limush, 2008, -128 pp.
    21. Yepiskoposyan L. When genetics and history come across, Yerevan: Limush, 2008, -155 pp.
    22. Hovnanyan K.O. 3D-visualization of cell structures of microorganisms using software. Information bulletin “Video-Tesr” (St. Petersburg), 2008, 23.
    23. Boyajyan A. Reconstruction of the electron transport chain of secretory granule membrane. In: NATO Science Series II, Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp.175-184.
    24. Manukyan L., Ayvazyan V., Boyajyan A. Cryoglobulins in Acute Ischemic Stroke. In: NATO Science Series II, Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp. 289-293.
    25. Khoyetsyan A., Boyajyan A., Melkumova M. The level and chemical composition of cryoglobulins in schizophrenia. In: NATO Science Series II, Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp. 295-298.
    26. Bakhshinyan M.Z., Karalyan Z.A., Aznauryan A.V., Karalova E.M. Macrophages. Organ-specific features. Amikus, Yerevan, 2007, -205 pp.
    27. Di Napoli M., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A., Godoy A., Papa F. Chapter III: The acute phase inflammatory response in stroke: systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation. In: Progress in Inflammation Research (Editor: J. A. Pitzer), Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 2005, pp. 95-145.    
  1. Ghazaryan H.K., Boyajyan A.S., Gevorgyan A.P., Melkumova M.L. Genetic markers of schizophrenia among immune response mediators. Proceedings of the VIII All-Russia Research and Practical Conference with international participation «Molecular Diagnostics 2014», Moscow, Russia, March 18-20, 2014, vol. 2, p.220-221.
  2. Boyajyan A., Pirumyan K., Zakharyan R., Chavushyan A., Stepanyan A., Gevorgyan A., Melkumova M., Torosyan S. Genetic polymorphisms of apoptosis regulatory proteins in schizophrenia disorder. Proceedings of the VIII All-Russia Research and Practical Conference with international participation «Molecular Diagnostics 2014», Moscow, Russia, March 18-20, 2014, vol.2, p.155-156.
  3. Mayilyan K.R., Hartmann A., Friedl M., Schwab S.G., Rujescu D. Protective effect of complement factor B and C2 genetic variants in schizophrenia. Abstract book of the 17th biennial winter Workshop on Psychosis, Marrakech, Morocco, February 24-26, 2013, p.33.
  4. Bahmanimehr A., Sahakyan H., Farjadian S., Yepiskoposyan L., Metspalu E. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup diversity in Iranian Azeri population. Abstract Book of the Joint Conference of Human Genome Meeting (HGM) 2013 and the 21st International Congress of Genetics «Genetics and Genomics of Global Health of Sustainability», Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, April 13-18, 2013, p.294-295.
  5. Zinchenko T.D., Golovatyuk L.V., Harutyunova L.D., Kachvoryan E.A. Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference «Ecology of the River`s Basins» Vladimir, RF, October 09-11, 2013, p.61-65.
  6. Teuchezh I.E., Pocheshkhova E.A., Dibirova Kh.D., Romanov A.G., Agdzhoyan A.T., Andrianze G., Yepiskoposyan L.M., Balanovsky O.P. Gene pool of the peoples of Transcaucasia and Abkhaz-Adygs: assessment of Y chromosome polymorphisms and its relationship with the family names. Materials of the International scientific conference of students and young scientists «Perspective-2013», April 26-29, 2013, Nalchik, RF, p.100-103.
  7. Chukhryaeva M.I., Dibirova Kh.D., Teuchezh I.E., Agdzhoyan A.T., Pocheshkhova E.A., Yepiskoposyan L.M., Balanovsky O.P. Abstracts of the V international conference «The Alexeyev Readings» dedicated to the memory of the academicians N.I.Alexeyeva and V.P.Alexeyev «Man in environement: stages of interaction», November 6-8, 2013, Moscow, RF, p.107.
  8. Teuchezh I.E., Pocheshkhova E.A., Dibirova Kh.D., Chukhryaeva M.I., Chikovani N.V., Yepiskoposyan L.M., Balanovsky O.P. The gene pool of the population of the Transcaucasia in the context of Y chromosome polymorphisms in the Caucasus and the Asia Anterior. Abstracts of the V international conference «The Alexeyev Readings» dedicated to the memory of the academicians N.I.Alexeyeva and V.P.Alexeyev «Man in environement: stages of interaction», November 6-8, 2013, Moscow, RF, p.95.
  9. Yepiskoposyan L., Margaryan A., Khachatryan Z., Khudoyan A., Hovhannisyan H., Hovhannisyan A., Poghosyan A. Genetic roots of the Armenians. Abstracts of the International Conference «Problems of Genetics of Population and Ethnic Anthropology» in memory of Y.G. Rychkov. Moscow, 19-21 November, 2013, Moscow, RF, p.24.
  10. Yepiskoposyan L.M., Chukhryaeva M.I., Dibirova K.D., Hovhannisyan A.A., Teuchezh I.E., Agdzhoyan A.T., Hrechdakian P., Balanovsky O.P. From Armenia towards Don: genetic chronology of the Don Armenians (based on Y chromosome polymorphisms). Collection of papers of the International Scientific Conference «The population of Southern Russia across the ages» (The Don readings in physical anthropology), Rostov-on-Don, RF, August 26-30, 2013, p.119-120.
  11. Hovhannisyan A., Margaryan A. The role of the Armenian Highland in the spread of human Y chromosome haplogroup J2. Materials of the XX International Conference «Lomonosov», Moscow, RF, April 8-13, 2013, p.78.
  12. King T., Allue E., Andrews P., Asryan L., Barham M., Caceres I., Dominguez-Alonso P., Fernandez-Jalvo Y., Hixson Andrews S., Lynch E., Mardiyan A., Marin-Monfort M.D., Moloney N., Murray J., Van der Made J., Yepiskoposyan L. Renewed excavations at the Middle Pleistocence to Holocene complex of Azokh cave, Lasser Caucasus. Materials of the Workshop «The role of the Southern Caucasus on early human evolution and expansion: refuge, hub or source area?» Tbilisi, Georgia, October 15-20, 2013, p.75.
  13. Torgomyan H., Hovnanyan K., Trchunian A. Antibacterial effects of low-intensity extremely high frequencies electromagnetic irradiation on Escherichia coli: morphology study. Proceedings of the 113th General Meeting of American Society for Microbiology (ASM 2013), Denver, USA, May 18-21, 2013, p. 511.
  14. Hovnanyan K., Pepoyan A., Hovnanyan M., Navasardyan L., Hovnanyan N., Trchunian A. Interactions of bacteria and yeast in biofilms: transmission and scanning electron microscopic analysis. Microscopy Conference (MC) 2013, Regensburg, Germany, August 25-30, 2013, p.510-511.
  15. Hovnanyan N., Sharoyan S., Antonyan A., Mardanyan S., Hovnanyan K. Electron microscopic visualization of dipeptidyl peptidase IV influence on the formation of nano-fibrils of amyloid beta peptide. Microscopy Conference (MC) 2013, Regensburg, Germany, August 25-30, 2013, p. 250-251.
  16. Torgomyan H.R., Hovnanyan N.L., Trchunian A.H., Hovnanyan K.O. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic visualization of structural changes of E. coli after the low-intensity electromagnetic irradiation. Proceedings of the XVIII Russian Symposium on Scanning Electron Microscopy and Analytical Methods of Investigation of Solids (SEM-2013), Chernogolovka, RF, June 3-7, 2013, p.500.
  17. Arakelyan A. Perspectives of development of collaboration in the field of biomedical research. Book of Abstracts of the International Young Scientists Conference «Young Scientists — Uniting Force of World Science and Culture», Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan, September 4-6, 2013, p.146-148.
  18. Nersisyan L, Arakelyan A. Parsing and editing KEGG pathway maps in Matlab, Scilab and Cytoscape. Book of Abstracts of the International Young Scientists Conference «Young Scientists — Uniting Force of World Science and Culture», Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan, September 4-6, 2013, p.148-149.
  19. Yepiskoposyan L., Margaryan A., Khachatryan Z., Khudoyan A., Hovhannisyan A., Hovhannisyan H. Population genetics in resolving problems on the Armenian ethnogenesis. Abstracts of the X Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, Moscow, RF, July 2-5, 2013, p.234.
  20. Kaplich V.M., Harutyunova M.V., Harutyunova K.V. About Funa of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae) of Armenia. Materials of XV Conference of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists, Chernivtsi, October 15- 18, 2013, p.49.
  21. Manukyan G., Petrek M., Martirosyan A., Navratilova Z., Kriegova E. Effect of colchicine on expression of inflammation-related genes in neutrophils from healthy subjects and patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013, p.217
  22. Boyajyan A., Chavushyan A., Hovsepyan M., Hovhannisyan M. Cryoglobulins are involved in pathomechanisms of altered immune response associated with schizophrenia and ischemic stroke. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013, p.681.
  23. Zakharyan R., Atshemyan S., Boyajyan A. Increased levels of IL-6, TNF-a, MIF, IL-8, and MCP-1 in schizophrenia. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013, p.697.
  24. Ghazaryan H., Boyajyan A., Zakharyan R., Melkonyan A., Navratilaova Z., Klevcova P., Petrek M. Schizophrenia is associated with over-expression of the interleukin-2 receptor gamma gene. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013, p.748.
  25. Ghazaryan H., Boyajyan A., Zakharyan R., Melkonyan A., Navratilaova Z., Klevcova P., Petrek M. Schizophrenia is not associated with changes in blood expression levels of complement factors B, H and I. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013, p.748.
  26. Hakobjanyan A., Boyajyan A., Hovsepyan L., Navratilova Z., Klevcova P., Petrek M. Expression of selected Th1/Th2 transcription factors and immune-response genes in cerebral ischemia and senescence. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013, p.750.
  27. Manukyan G., Martirosyan A., Hagobyan G., Aminov R., Davtyan T. Accelerated spontaneous apoptosis of neutrophils in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013, p.810.
  28. Boyajyan A.S. molecular mechanisms of multifactorial diseases with polygenic inheritance. Materials of the Fifth International Scientific Conference «Actual problems of biology, nanotechnology and medicine», Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, October 3-5, 2013, p.3-4.
  29. Zakharyan R.V., Atshemyan S.A., Boyajyan A.S. Study of nerve growth factor and its receptor genetic polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Materials of the Fifth International Scientific Conference «Actual problems of biology, nanotechnology and medicine», Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, October 3-5, 2013, p.217-218.
  30. Zhamharyan L.G., Melkonyan A., Boyajyan A.S. Comparative assessment of contamination of different varieties of wheat with ochratoxin A and T-2 toxin. Materials of the Fifth International Scientific Conference «Actual problems of biology, nanotechnology and medicine», Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, October 3-5, 2013, p.162-163.
  31. Navasardyan L.H., Hovnanyan N.L., Navasardyan A.L., Hovnanyan K., Sargsyan Ch.A., Hovnanyan K.O. SEM of C. Guilliermondii NP-4 formation of biofilm on ceramic porous plate of zirconia. Abstract Book of the International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, Grapevine, Texas, USA, July 238-31, 2013, p.2 (#C2.03).
  32. Atshemyan S., Zakharyan R., Boyajyan A. Markers of apoptosis and neuronal plasticity in schizophrenia. Book of abstracts of the II Conference of participants of Russian biomarker consortium «Biomarkers 2013», Moscow, RF, February 19, 2013, p.21.
  33. Gorlov I.O., Kosar’kova M.V., Adrianov B.V., Goryacheva I.I., Harutyunova M.V., Harutyunova K.V., Vlasov S.V. Study of larvae of 4 species of Wilhelmina (Diptera, Simuliidae) from Armenia by geometric morphometric method. Materials of the XIV Congress of the Russian Entomological Society. Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2012, p.113.
  34. Kosar’kova M.V., Adrianov B.V., Goryacheva I.I., Harutyunova M.V., Harutyunova K.V., Vlasov S.V. Cytogenetic characteristic of the Armenian population of Boophthora erythrocephalum (De Geer, 1776) (Diptera, Simuliidae). Materials of the XIV Congress of the Russian Entomological Society. Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2012, p.213.
  35. Hovhannisyan L., Avetyan D., Mkrtchyan G., Sukiasian S., Boyajyan A. Post-traumatic stress disorder phenotype and cytokine profile. Abstract book of the EAACI Skin Allergy Meeting (SAM-2012), Berlin, Germany, 2012, p.32.
  36. Khoyetsyan A., Kacimi R., Boyajyan A., Yenari M.A. Complement protein C5a does not affect brain derived endothelial cell susceptibility to oxygen glucose deprivation. Abstracts of the Neuroscience Meeting 2012, New Orleans, USA, 2012, p. 618.
  37. Hovhannisyan H.H., Margaryan A.V. HLA profile supports the Mediterranean origin of Armenians. Proceedings of the joint XVI International HLA and Immunogenetics Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2012, p.555.
  38. Аtshemyan S.А., Zakharyan R.V., Boyajyan А.S. Polymorphic variants of synaptic plasticity genes in schizophrenia. Reports of the V International Young Scientists School in Molecular Genetics «Genome Instability», Moscow-Zvenigorod, 2012, p.10.
  39. Stepanyan А., Zakharyan R., Boyajyan А. Association of rs62117 polymorphism of neutrin G1 with ischemic stroke. Abstracts of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Postgenomic Methods of Analysis in Biology, Laboratory and Clinical Medicine”, Kazan, Russia, 2012, p.314.
  40. Hovhannisyan H.H., Margaryan A.V. Paternal lineages support Armenian origin of the Hamshenis. Proceedings of the XIX International Conference “Lomonosov”, Moscow, Russia, 2012, p.84.
  41. Hovhannisyan A., Khachatryan Z. Genogeography of human Y chromosome haplogroup R1b1b in Armenia. Proceedings of the XIX International Conference “Lomonosov”, Moscow, Russia, 2012, p.80.
  42. Martirosyan G., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A. Frequency of Ureaplasma species in Chlamydia Trachomatis positive subjects. Abstract book of XIII Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Beijing, China, 2012, p.222.
  43. Zamharyan L., Boyajyan A., Ayvazyan V., Arakelova E., Hovsepyan T. Antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of copper complexes with Schiff-base derivatives of L-histidine upon irradiation. Abstract Book of the 39th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society “European Radiation Research-2012”, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2012, p.240.
  44. Davtyan H.H., Hakobyan G.V., Batikyan T.B., Amirkhanyan E.S., Tadevosyan Y.V. Disturbances in lipid signal transduction in acute forms of leukemia. FEBS Advanced Course on Lipid Signalling and Cancer, Vico Equense, Italy, 2012, p.51.
  45. Gazaryants M.G., Akopian J.I., Nersesova L.S., Karalova E.M. Adaptation of the enzymatic systems and nucleus-nucleolar apparatus of the rats hepatocytes to the ionizing radiation. Abstracts of the V International Meeting “Early Events in Human Pathologies”, Listvyanka (Baikal), Russia, 2012, p.19.
  46. Hovnanyan N.L., Sharoyan S.G., Mardanyan S.S., Antonyan A.A., Hovnanyan K.O. Electron microscopy of the fibres asbest and amyloid. Abstracts of the XXI International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, 2012, abstract # 019.
  47. Hovnanyan K.O., Sargsyan K.A., Hovnanyan N.L., Maruthyan S.V., Hovnanyan M.K., Trchounian A.A., Navasardyan L.H. Imaging analysis by electron microscopy of volutin granules formation in some species of bacteria during the growth, yeast and protozoa after the stresses. Proceedings of the XV European Microscopy Congress (EMC-2012), Manchester,UK, 2012, LS1.1-0020 (2 pages).
  48. Hovnanyan M.K., Navasardyan A.L., Hovnanyan N.L., Sargsyan K.A., Hovnanyan K.O., Electron microscopy analysis of volutin formation in some species of bacteria, yeast and protists. Reports of XXIV Russian Conference onScanning Electron Microscopy, Chernogolovka , 2012, p.455-456.
  49. Hovnanyan N.L., Sargsyan K.A., Karapetyan L.E., Hovnanyan K.O. Electron-microscopic (TEM, SEM) indication of particles of dust in environment and eukaryotic cells. Book of Аbstracts of the III International Conference “State-of-the-art Trends of Scientific Research of Artificial and Natural Nanoobjects” (STRANN-2012), 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia, p.18-19.
  50. Sargsyan K.A., Hovnanyan N.K., Gasparyan V.K., Hovnanyan K.O. Electron-microscopic studying of colloidal silver nanoparticles and their effect on E. coli K-12 and Candida guilliermondii NP-4. Book of Аbstracts of the III International Conference “State-of-the-art Trends of Scientific Research of Artificial and Natural Nanoobjects” (STRANN-2012), 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia, p. 20-21.
  51. Sharoyan S.G., Hovnanyan N.L., Mardanyan S.S., Antonyan A.A., Hovnanyan K.O. Electron-microscopic visualization of dipeptidyl peptidase IV influence on the formation of nano-fibrils of amyloid beta peptide. Book of Аbstracts of the III International Conference “State-of-the-art Trends of Scientific Research of Artificial and Natural Nanoobjects” (STRANN-2012), 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia, p.16-17.
  52. Mamikonyan V.Kh., Karageuzyan K.G., Hovakimyan S.S., Amirkhanyan H.M., Hovnanyan K.O., Seferyan T.E, Gyulbudagyan G.A. Therapeutic effeveness of grape seeds compounds with antioxidant activity. Book of Abstracts of FEBS Workshop “Microbial Lipids: Diversity in Sutructure and Formation, Bern, Switzerland, 2012, p.67.
  53. Akopian J.I., Gazaryants M.G., Mkrtchyan Z.S., Pogosyan L.B., Poghosyan L.L., Nersesova L.S. Some enzymatic effects of total body exposure of rats to low intensity 900M Hz microwaves. Proceedings of Sakharov Readings 2012 “Environmenatl Problems of the XXI Century, Minsk, 2012, p.228.
  54. Zakharyan R., Arakelyan A., Atshemyan S., Mrazek F., Petrek M., Boyajyan A. Lack of association between macrophage migration factor gene variant and susceptibility to schizophrenia. Abstracts of the XXVI European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2012, abstract #P424.
  55. Arakelyan A. Pathway signal flow analysis for high-throughput gene expression data. Abstract book of the VIII International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/System Biology-2012, Novosibirsk, Russia, p.41.
  56. Zakharyan R.V., Boyajyan A.S. New candidate genes for schizophrenia disorder. Abstracts of the International Conference “Postgenomic Technologies for Biomedicine”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2012, p.138.
  57. Zakharyan R., Arakelyan A., Atshemyan S., Boyajyan A. Role of chemokine gene variant in pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Materials of a Wellcome Trust Scientific Conference “Genomic Disorders 2012: the Genomics of Rare Diseases”, Cambrige, UK, 2012, p.59.
  58. Zhamharyan L.G., Ayvazyan V.A., Arakelova E.A., Hovsepyan T.Zh., Malakyan M.H., Boyajyan A.S. Copper complexes of Schiff base amino acid derivatives as modulators of immune response and antioxidant capacities of the organism. Book of Abstracts of the I International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research, Nis, Serbia, 2012, MMXII, p.165.
  59. Zanginyan A.V., Hovsepyan L.M., Kazaryan G.S. Study of specific and non-specific aspects of echinococcosis immunogenesis in human. Materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “New Achievements of the European Science”, Bulgaria, Sofia, 2012, p.30-32.
  60. Tavakalyan N.B., Hovhannesyan A.N., Hovsepyan M.R., Hovhannisyan M.G., Boyajyan A.S., Pompella A. Pure iron as a biomaterial for degradable stents: cell viability studies. Proceedings of the International Conference “Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology”, Moscow, Russia, 2012, p.210-211.
  61. Nersisyan L., Arakelyan A. In silico structure characterization of Familian Mediterranean fever product (pyrin). Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology, Singapore, 2012; published in International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2012, 29, p.40-44.
  62. Khazan N., Ghaffari S.H., Ghavamzadeh A., Alimoghaddam K., Boyajyan A., Mkrtchyan G. The detection of circulating tumor cells of breast cancer patients by using marker cytokeratin 19 and real-time PCR. Abstract book of the I International Scientific-Research Conference of Iranian Students, Yerevan, Armenia, 2011, p.84-85.
  63. Nersisyan L., Arakelyan A. 3D-structure prediction of pyrin-d2 isoform. Abstracts of the II International Conference “Postgenomic methods of analysis in biology and clinical medicine: genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2011, p.112.
  64. Arakelyan A. Growing support sets for pathway specific analysis of sarcoidosis. Abstracts of the II International Conference “Postgenomic methods of analysis in biology and clinical medicine: genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2011, p.113.
  65. Khazan N., Ghavamzadeh A., Ghaffari S., Alimoghaddam K., Boyajyan A., Mkrtchyan G. The detection of circulating tumor cells of breast cancer patients by using marker MUC2 real-time PCR. Abstracts of the XXI Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2011, p.274.
  66. Arakelova E., Ayvazyan V., Zhamharyan L., Hovsepyan T., Boyajyan A., Malakyan M., Bajinyan S. Comparative analysis of the influence of the amino acid Schiff bases and their Copper complexes on the immune and antioxidant status of the organism under ionizing radiation. Proceedings of the International Conference “Physical Research Methods in Medicine”, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2011, p.13-17.
  67. Andonian L., Rezaie S., Margaryan A., Farhud D.D., Mohammad K., Holakouie N.K., Khorramizadeh M.R., Nourijelyani K., Sanati M.H., Jamali M., Berahmeh A., Aalizadeh N., Yepiskoposyan L. Comparative study of the Y chromosome diversity in some ethnic groups living in Iran and populations of the Middle East. Abstracts of the XII International Congress of Human Genetics and the American Society of Human Genetics 61st Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2011, p.707.
  68. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Tadevosyan M., Kalashyan A., Sukiasyan S.. Anti- and pro-apoptotic markers in post-traumatic stress disorders. Abstracts of the XXX Congress of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Istanmbul, Turkey, 2011; published in: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2011, 66 (Suppl. 94), p.492.
  69. Malakyan M., Bajinyan S., Aghjoyan H., Yeghiazaryan D., Abrahamyan L., Pogosyan L., Mkrtchyan Z., Gazaryanz M., Nersesova L., Akopyan J. Membrane and biochemical effects of total body exposure of rats to low intensity 900-MHz microwaves. Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Radiation Research, Warszawa, Poland, 2011, p.290.
  70. Tadevosyan M., Sukiasyan S., Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A. Clinical and immunological correlates in PTSD dynamic. Abstracts Book of the II International Congress on Dual Disorders: Addictive Behaviors and other Mental Disorders”, Barcelona, Spain, 2011, p.75.
  71. Hovhannisyan L., Avetyan D. Pro-inflammatory cytokines in posttraumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the Allergy School “Dermatitis and Eczema”. Krakow, Poland, 2011, p.299.
  72. Zakharyan R., Atshemyan S. Contribution of the complement receptor type-1 in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia in Armenian population. Abstracts of the Practical Course on Gene expression Regulation and Data Integration, Debrecen, Hungary, 2011, p.34.
  73. Hovnanyan K.O., Sargsyan Ch.A., Hovnanyan N.L., Trchunian K.A., Navasardyan L.H., Marutyan S.V. Coorrelative imaging analysis by electron microscopy (SEM,TEM) of planctonic and biofilm forms to bacteria and yeast. Proceedings of the XVII Russian Symposium on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-2011), Chernogolovka, 2011, p.393.
  74. Lazyan M.P., Davtyan H.H., Batikyan T.B., Kazaryan R.A., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Changes in blood lymphocyte lipids fatty acid content modification by arachidonic acid in breast cancer. Abstracts of Lipid Maps Annual Meeting “Lipidomics Impact on Cell Biology, Cancer and Metabolic Diseases”, La Jolla, USA, 2011, p.83.
  75. Torgomyan T.R., Batikyan T.B., Kazaryan R.A., Alexanyan K.A., Galstyan H.M., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Lipid second messengers generation by stimulated blood lymphocytes in ovarian cancer. Abstracts of Lipid Maps Annual Meeting “Lipidomics Impact on Cell Biology, Cancer and Metabolic Diseases”, La Jolla, USA, 2011, p.83.
  76. Hakobyan G.V., Batikyan T.B., Amirkhanyan E.A., Tadevosyan Yu.V. Blood lymphocytes lysophosphatidylcholine homeostasis in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Abstracts of Lipid Maps Annual Meeting “Lipidomics Impact on Cell Biology, Cancer and Metabolic Diseases”, La Jolla, USA, 2011, p.83.
  77. Boyajyan A.S., Arakelova E.A., Malakyan M.H., Bajinyan S.A. Aromatic amino acid derivatives as radioprotectors with immune-modulating activities. Proceeding of the IV Sissakian Readings “Problems of Biochemistry, Radiation and Space Biology”, 2010, Alusta, p.27-29.
  78. Babayan N.S., Tovmasyan A.G., Shmakova N.L., Komova O.V., Kazaryan R.K., Arutunyan R.M., Krasavin Ye.A. Analysis of structure/activity dependence of new porphyrines as potential radiosensibilizing agents. Proceeding of the IV Sissakian Readings “Problems of Biochemistry, Radiation and Space Biology”, 2010, Alusta, p. 9-13.
  79. Dungrawalla H., Yang J., Manukyan A., Hui H., Lesley A., Lane W., Mead H., Wright J., Schneider B.L. G1-phase cyclins mediate lifespan extension by dietary restriction. Proceedings of the International Conference of Molecular Genetics of Aging, New York, USA, 2010, p.116.
  80. Dungrawalla H., Yang J., Manukyan A., Hui H., Lesley A., Lane W., Mead H., Wright J., Schneider B.L. Size is a major determinant of cellular lifespan. Proceedings of the X Biannual International Conference on Cell Cycle, New York, USA, 2010, p.50.
  81. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Kalashyan A., Sukiasian S., Boyajyan A. Association between dermatological symptoms and inflammatory response in post-traumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the Skin Allergy Meeting (SAM)-2010, Venice, Italy, 2010, abstract # LBN14, p.47.
  82. Hovhannisyan L., Boyajyan A., Sargsyan M., Nazaretyan E., Mkrtchyan G. The complement system in Familial Mediterranean fever with and without dermatological signs. Abstract of the VIII EAACI-GALEN Immunology Winter School “Basic immunology Research in Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, 2010, Grainau, Germany, abstract # 64, p.61.
  83. Hovnanyan K.O., Pryatkin N.S., Sargsyan C.A., Davtyan H.H., Trchounian A.H. Stereoimaging ultracytochemical analisis localyzation of the acid phosphatases and phospholypase activity in cells of Shigella and Entamoeba. Proceedings of the XVII International Congress of Microscopy. Rio-DeJaneiro, Brazilia. 2010, p.445-446.
  84. Hovnanyan K.O., Sargsyan C.A., Davtyan H.H. The stereo-imaging analisis by electron microscopy intraction of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in biofilms. Proceedings of the Conference “Nanobio”, Zurich, 2010, p.147.
  85. Hovnanyan K.O., Sargsyan C.A., Davtyan H.H., Trchounian A.H. The imaging analisis by electron microscopy of plactonic and biofilm from of bacteria and yeast. Proceedings of the Conference “Scandem-2010”, Stokholm, 2010, p. 211.
  86. Hovnanyan K.O., Pryatkin N.S., Sargsyan C.A., Davtyan H.H., Trchounian A.H. 3D Vizulization and Functional Consideration of Cell Wall and Cytoplasmatic Membrane Structures of Shigelle and Entamoeba. Proceedings of the Conference Focus on Microscopy “FOM 2010”, Shanghai, China, 2010, p.126.
  87. Hovnanyan K.O., Karapetyan L.E., Sargsyan C.A. Electron microscopy vizualization of of asbestoses. Proceedings of XXIII RAS Conference on Electron Microscopy, 2010, Moscow, Russia, p. 399.
  88. Mkrtchyan G., Sargsyan M., Hovhannisyan L., Nazaretyan E.Y., Boyajyan A.S. Immune-endocrine relationships in familial Mediterranean fever. Abstracts of the VI International Congress on FMF and SAID «Autoinflammation 2010», Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2010, p.134-135.
  89. Boyajyan A.S. Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L.P., Ayvazyan A., Nazaretyan E.Y. Circulating annexin a5 in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Abstracts of the VI International Congress on FMF and SAID «Autoinflammation 2010», Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2010, p.131-132.
  90. Yepiskoposyan L., Koglek L., Plaster C., Tarekegn A., Bekele E., Harutyunyan A., Bradman N., Thomas M. Is familial Mediterranean fever undiagnosed but prevalent in Ethiopia. Abstracts of the VI International Congress on FMF and SAID “Autoinflammation 2010”, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2010, p.115-116.
  91. Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Boyajyan A., Tadevosyan M., Kalashyan A., Sukiasian S. Posttraumatic stress disorder and inflammation. Proceedings of the XXIII ECNP Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2010, published in: European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010, 20 (Suppl. 3), p.S534-535.
  92. Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Boyajyan A., Sargsyan M., Nazaretyan E. The role of IL-1β in familial Mediterranean fever. Abstracts of the IVX International Congress of Immunology, Kobe, Japan, 2010, published in: International Immunology, 2010, 22 (Suppl.1, Pt.2), abstract #PP-090-40, p.ii152.
  93. Arakelyan A.A., Boyajyan A.S., Aslanyan L.A. Algorithmic analysis of functional pathways affected in post-traumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the YSS “Bioinformatics and Systems Biology”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2010, p.16.
  94. Boyajyan, E. Arakelova, G. Tsakanova, A. Arakelyan, V. Ayvazyan, S. Hakobyan, B. P. Morgan, T. Hovsepyan, H. Devejyan, G. Avetisyan. Over-production of membrane-attack complex in stroke. Abstracts of the I International Congress on Controversies in Allergology and Immunology, Sorrento, Italy, 2010, abstract # A-225-0018-00042.
  95. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Sukiasian S. Prevalence of circulating immune complexes in posttraumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, London, UK, 2010, published in: Allergy, 2010, 65 (Suppl. 92), p. 643-644.
  96. Boyajyan A., Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L. Inflammatory mediators in Familial Mediterranean Fever. Abstracts of the XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2010, London, UK, published in: Allergy, 2010, 65 (Suppl. 92), p.644.
  97. Aroutiounian R., Gasparyan G., Hovhannisyan G., Park H.J., Kim J.K. Application of bioessay system to genetic risk evalution. Proceedings of the Autumn Conference of the Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Anmyundo, South Korea, 2010, p.108-109.
  98. Tadevosyan Y., Altman A., Batikyan T., Hakobyan G., Galstyan H., Amirkhanyan E., Alexanyan K., Lazyan M., Torgomyan T., Kazaryan R. Alteration in the mechanisms of lipid modification and lipid second messenger molecules formation in blood lymphocytes at diverse forms of cancer. Abstracts of the Keystone Symposia “Bioactive Lipids: Biochemistry and Disease”, 2010, p. 96.
  99. Khachatryan Z., Manukyan G., Osipov G., Coutts A., Kelly D., Beloborodova N., Isakov Yu., Sedrakyan A., Arakelova K., Hohannisyan A., Ktsoyan Z. Host-microbe interaction in the gut in autoinflammatory disease. Abstracts of VII Rowett-INRA Joint Simposium “Gut Microbiology: New Insights into Gut Microbial Ecosystems”, Aberdeen, UK, 2010, abstract #No.0193.
  100. Tadevosyan Yu.V., Galstyan H.M., Altman А., Alexanyan K.A., Batikyan T.B., Hakobyan G.V., Kazaryan R.A., Lazyan M.P., Torgomyan T.R. Lipids of blood limphocytes in different types of malignant tumors. Proceedings of the VI Meeting of CIS Oncologists, Dushanbe, Uzbekistan, 2010, p. 42.
  101. Tovmasyan A., Babayan N., Movsisyan L., Sahakyan L., Gasparyan G., Aroutiounian R., Batinic-Haberle I., Ghazaryan R. Synthesis in vitro, anticancer activity and tissue specifity of novel amphiphilic Ag-metalloporphyrin. Abstracts of the International Congress on Porphyrins and Phtalocyanines. New Mexico, USA, 2010, p.75
  102. Zakharyan R.V., Poghosyan D.A., Arakelyan А.А., Boyajyan A. Cytogenetic study of the complement receptor type 1 (CR1) in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the IV International young scientists school on molecular genetics “Genomics and Cell Biology”, 2010, Moscow-Zvenigorod, p. 90-92.
  103. Chavushyan А.S., Zakharyan R.V., Khoyetsyan А.G., Arakelyan А.А., Boyajyan A. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of С-reactive protein gene in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the IV International young scientists school on molecular genetics “Genomics and Cell Biology”, 2010, Moscow-Zvenigorod, p. 214-215.
  104. Martirosyan G.V., Tovmasyan A.Kh., Arakelyan А.А., Boyajyan A. The levels of АDА1 and АDА2 isoenzymes and nt22 G>A АDА1 polymorphism in ischemic stroke patients. Proceedings of the IV International young scientists school on molecular genetics “Genomics and Cell Biology”, 2010, Moscow-Zvenigorod, p.143-145.
  105. Danielyan K., Snkhchyan H., Arakelova E., Tsakanova G., Nahapetyan K., Grigoryan G., Boyajyan A. Adenosine deaminase might be the key regulator of immune reply in the condition of stroke with atherosclerotic preconditioning. Abstracts of the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 2009; published in: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 2009, 29(7), e29.
  106. Boyajyan A., Khoyetsyan A., Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Arakelyan A., Manukyan A. Inflammatory component in pathogenesis of schizophrenia and posttraumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of IX World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Paris. France, 2009, p. 283.
  107. Harutyunyan A., Thomas A., Margaryan A., Bradman N. and Yepiskoposyan L. When genetics and history clash: the origins of Hamshen Armenians. Molecular anthropology in the genomic era. IV International Conference of the series “DNA polymorphism in Human Population”, University La Sapienza, Rome, 2009, p.77.
  108. Zakaryan A., Melkonyan M., Zakaryan G., Aganyanc M., Hovsepyan L. Oxidative stress and neuroprotection at experimentaly induced Parkinson‘s disease. Abstracts of the IX World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Paris, France, 2009, p.418.
  109. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Sukiasian S. Complement system as a key component of immune response associated with posttraumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the IX World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Paris. France, 2009, p.245.
  110. Khoyetsyan A. Implication of cryoglobulins in term of schizophrenia-associated immune system alterations. Abstracts of the IX World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Paris, France, 2009, p.281.
  111. Ghazaryan G., Hovsepyan L., Zakaryan A., Lvov M. Phospholipids in dynamics of free radical oxidation of lipids in biological membranes brain under conditions of Parkinson’s disease. Abstracts of the X World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Paris. France, 2009, p.319.
  112. Zakharyan R., Khoyetsyan A., Chavushyan A., Arakelyan A., Boyajyan A., Stahelova A., Mrazek F., Petrek M. Polymorphisms in the CRP gene and schizophrenia in the Armenian population: A pilot study. Abstract Book of the XIII Republican Conference on DNA Diagnostics, Olomouci, Czech Republic, 2009, p.47.
  113. Hovnanyan K.O. Ultrastructural контактов in biofilms of certain bacteria, yeasts, and protists. Abstract Book of the XVI Russian Symposium on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-2009), Chernogolovka, 2009, p.240.
  114. Hovnanyan K.O., Hovnanyan M.K., Sargsyan C.A., Pryatkin N.S. 3D electron cytochemical analyses of localization of acid phosphatase and phospholipase in the Entamoeba. Abstracts of the Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2009, p.74.
  115. Hovnanyan K.O., Davtyan H.H., Trchounian A.A., Pryatkin N.S. Electron microscopy and 3D nano-organization of virus-like and surface structure of Entamoeba, Candida and Escherichia species. Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2009 (MC-2009), Graz, Austria, 2009, p.333-334.
  116. Hovnanyan K.O., Pryatkin N.S., Hovnanyan N.L., Asatryan R.G., Trchounian A. Nano-structure architectures and macromolecular structure in some virus, bacteria and protozoa. Proceedings of the YII Annual Scientific Conference on Nanostructural Imaging, Characterization, and Modification Using Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and Related Techniques (Nanoscale VII), Santa-Barbara, USA, 2009, www.veeco.com/support/nanoconference/Seeing_at_Nanoscale_09/Poster/Session1/ Hovnanyan-session-1.pdf
  117. Hovnanyan K.O., Pryatkin N.S., Hovnanyan N.L., Asatryan R.G., Trchounian A. Nano-architecture in some virus, bacteria and protozoa numbers. Abstracts Book of the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ChinaNANO2009), Beijing, China, 2009, p.47.
  118. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Sukiasyan S., Boyajyan A. Complement alternative cascade in the pathogenesis of posttraumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the XXVIII Congress of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Warsaw, Poland, 2009; published in Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2009, 64(Suppl. 90), p.473.
  119. Kazaryan G.S., Hovsepyan L.M., Lvov M.V. Prevention of MPTP (N-metil-1-4-phenil-1,2.3.6.-tetrahydropyridine) neurotoxic dophaminergical effect in rats’ brain using preparation containing antioxidant effects. Abstracts of the II European Conference on Scizophrenia Research: from Research to Practice, Berlin, Germany, 2009; published in European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 2009, 259(Suppl. 1), p. 312.
  120. Zakaryan H., Karalyan Z. The role of Paramecium caudatum in ecology of picornaviruses. Abstracts of the International Life Sciences Students Conference, Kiev, Ukraine, 2009, p.51.
  121. Zakaryan H., Karalyan Z. Reduction of Poliovirus-1 by ciliated protozoan Paramecium caudatum during co-incubation time. Abstracts of the International Life Sciences Students` Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2009, p.72.
  122. Kogleck L., Plaster C., Tarekegn A., Bekele E., Yepiskoposyan L., Harutyunyan A., Bradman N., Thomas M.G. Is familial Mediterranean fever prevalent and undiagnosed in Ethiopia? Abstracts of the LIX Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Honolulu, Hawaiii, USA, 2009, p.425.
  123. Mayilyan K.R., Wu Y.L., Kolachana B., Soghoyan A.F. Sim R.B., Yu C.Y. Weinberger D.R. The multi-component complement system and its association with schizophrenia. Abstracts of the XXXIIIV Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience of the USA, Washington, USA, 2008, p.728.7/D42.
  124. Hovhannisyan L, Sukiasyan S, Khalashyan A, Boyajyan A, Mkrtchyan G. Complement classical and alternative pathways, C3 and C4 components activity in the pathogenesis of post-traumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the XXVI CINP Congress, Munich, Germany, 2008; published in The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2008, 11 (Suppl.1), p.288, abstract #P-09.64.
  125. Mayilyan K.R., Vakkalanka R., Kolachana B., Law A.J., Weinberger D.R. Schizophrenia Implicating Novel Polymorphic Variants of HSPAIL and HSPAIB genes. Abstracts of the NIMH XII Annual DIRP Scientific Retreat, Gettysburg, USA., 2008, p.15-16.
  126. Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Boyajyan A., Aivazyan A., Beglaryan A. Alternative complement pathway in Familial Mediterranean Fever. Abstracts of the V International conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systematic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Italy, 2008; published in Clinical and Exerimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(2), p.196-197.
  127. Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Aivazyan A., Yeganyan G. Patogenic circulating immune complexes in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever before and after colchicines therapy. Abstracts of the V International conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systematic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Italy, 2008; published in Clinical and Exerimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(2), p.197.
  128. Ktsoyan Zh.A. Beloborodova N.V., Sedrakyan A.M., Ossipov G.A., Khachatryan Z.A., Arakelova K.A., Olenin A.Yu., Hakobyan G.S. Small molecules originating from microbes in blood of patients with familial Mediterranean fever versus patients with other gastro-intestinal disorders. Abstracts of the V International conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systematic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Italy, 2008; published in Clinical and Exerimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(2), p.194.
  129. Manukyan G.P., Ghazaryan K.A., Ktsoyan Zh.A., Tatyan M.V., Khachatryan Z.A., Hakobyan G.S., Mkrtchyan V.A., Kelly D., Coutts A., Aminov R.I. Cytokine network alterations in sera of Armenian patients with Familial Mediterranean fever. Abstracts of the V International conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systematic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Italy, 2008; published in Clinical and Exerimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(2), p.189.
  130. Manukyan G.P., Ghazaryan K.A., Ktsoyan Z.A., Khachatryan Z.A., Tatyan M.V., Arakelova K.A., Kelly D., Aminov R.I.. Specific immune responses to commensal microbiota in FMF. Abstracts of the V International conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systematic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Italy, 2008; published in Clinical and Exerimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(2), p.190.
  131. Khachatryan Z.A., Ktsoyan Zh.A., Manukyan G.P., Ghazaryan K.A., Kelly D., Aminov R.I. Familial Mediterranean fever affects the composition of intestinal microbiota. Abstracts of the V International conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systematic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Italy, 2008; published in Clinical and Exerimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(2), p.189.
  132. Plaster C., Kogleck L., Weale, M., Yepiskoposyan L., Harutyunyan A., Tarakegn A., Bekele E., Zeitlyn D., Bradman N., Thomas M. Incidence of MEFV exon 10 and exon 2 polymorphisms in multiple Asian, European and African countries and a novel test for geographically restricted positive selection pressure. Abstracts of the V International conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systematic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Rome, Italy, 2008; published in Clinical and Exerimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(2), p.175-176.
  133. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Sukiasian S. Classical and alternative pathways complement activity in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the XVI European Congress of Psychiatry, Nice, France, 2008; published in: European Psychiatry, 2008, 23 (Suppl. 2), p84.
  134. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Sukiasian S. The role of complement in the pathogenesis of posttraumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Barcelona, Spain, 2008; published in: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2008, 63 (Suppl. 8), p.263.
  135. Hovhannisyan L.P., Mkrtchyan G.M., Boyajyan A.S., Sukiasyan S.H., Kalashyan A.S. Determination of the complement system activity in post-traumatic stress disorder. Abstracts of the VI EAACI GA2LEN Davos Meeting “Basic Immunology Research in Skin Allergy and Immunotherapy”, Pichl, Austria, 2008, p.24.
  136. Boyajyan A.S., Arakelova E.A., Grigoryan G.S., Sim R.B., Arakelyan A.A., Manukyan L.A., Avetisyan G.V., Ayvazyan V.A. Involvement of inflammatory mediators in pathogenesis of ischemic stroke. Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Symposium “From Experimental Biology to Preventive and Integrative Medicine”, Crimea, Ukraine, 2008. p.20-22.
  137. Tovmasyan A., Sahakyan L., Babayan N., Gasparyan G., Margaryan K., Hovhannisyan G., Aroutiounian R., Ghazaryan R. Novel cationic porphyrins and metalloporphyrins as potential photosensitizers and chemotherapeutics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. Moscow, Russia, 2008, p.594.
  138. Manukyan A. The presence of Complement C1q and C3 components in cryoglobulins of schizophrenia-affected subjects. Proceedings of the International Life Science Students’ Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 2008, p.33.
  139. Khlghatyan J.S. Chloroprene and its derivatives impact on the enzymatic systems of workers involved in chloroprene rubber production. Proceedings of the International Life Science Students’ Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 2008, p.73.
  140. Arakelyan A., Kriegova Е., Kolek V., Petrek М. The increased levels of inflammatory mediators in patients with progressive sarkoidosis. Materials of the IV Meeting of Russian Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, Novosibirsk, 2008, p.465.
  141. Akopian J.I., Nersesova L.S., Gazaryants M.G., Mkrtchyan Z.S., Meliksetyan G.O., Pogosyan L.G. A new inductor of interferon. Materials of the IV Meeting of Russian Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, Novosibirsk, 2008, p.201.
  142. Nersesova L.S., Gazaryants M.G., Meliksetyan G.O. Mkrtchyan Z.S., Pogosyan L.G., Khlgatyan Zh.I., Akopian Zh.I. Creatine kinase and purine nucleoside phosphorilase as markers of toxic impact of industrial pollutants. Materials of the IV Meeting of Russian Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, Novosibirsk, 2008, p.456.
  143. Hovnanyan К.О. Nanobacteria-endosymbionts of parasitic and free-living protists: retrospective comparative ultrastructural analysis. Proceedings of the XXII Russian Conference on Electron Microscopy, Chernogolovka, 2008, p.303.
  144. Hovnanyan M., Hovnanyan K., Asatryan R. Ultrastructural mechanisms of entamoebae movement system. Proceedings of XIV European Microscopy Congress (EMC-2008), Aachen, Germany, 2008; published in EMC-2008, 2008, Vol. 3: Life Science, p.121-122.
  145. Galstyan H.М., Tadevosyan Yu.V., Alexanyan К.А., Batikyan Т.B., Lazyan М.P., Torgomyan Т.R. Fatty acid modification process of lymphocyte membrane lipid composition at norm and breast cancer. Proceedings of V Congress of oncologists and radiologists of CIS, Tashkent, 2008, p.57.
  146. Hovsepyan L.M., Zakaryan A.V., Aganyanc M.A. The effect of cysteine derivatives on the glycosphingolipid contents in brane under experimental hypoxia Abstracts of the XXXIII FEBS Congress and XI IUBMB Conference «Biochemistry of Cell Regulation», Athens, Greece, 2008; published in FEBS Journal, 2008, 275 (Suppl.1), p. 415.
  147. Khoyetsyan A., Boyajyan A., Tsakanova G. Indicators of schizophrenia-associated immune system alterations. Abstracts of the II International Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Santiago, Chile, 2007; published in: The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2007, 8 (Suppl. 1), p.148, abstract P-14-03.
  148. Mayilyan K., Weinberger D.R., Wu Y., Zhou B., Yung Yu C. RP-C4-CYP21-TNX modular complement c4 genotypes in schizophrenia: A pilot study. Abstracts of the II International Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Santiago, Chile, 2007; published in: The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2007, 8 (Suppl.1), p. 148-149, abstract P-14-04.
  149. Mayilyan K.R., Weinberger D.R., Wu Y.L., Kolachana B., McBride K., Yung C.Y. Association of Complement C4B Gene Deficiency with Schizophrenia: studies of European American families and controls. Abstracts of the XV World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, New-York, USA, 2007, p.109.
  150. Mayilyan K.R., Weinberger D.R., Wu Y.L., Kolachana B., Soghoyan A.F., Yung C.Y. Complement C4B Homozygote Deficiency in Schizophrenic Patients from Armenian Population. Abstracts of the National Institute of Mental Health XI Annual DIRP (Division of Intramural Research Programs) Scientific Retreat, Gettysburg, USA, 2007, p. 25-26.
  151. Mayilyan K.R., Krarup A., Soghoyan A.F., Hartung T., Sim R.B. L-ficolin and MBL components of the complement activation lectin pathway in schizophrenia. Abstracts of the XI European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease, Cardiff, UK, 2007; published in: Molecular Immunology, 2007, 44(16), p.3940.
  152. Mayilyan K.R., Sim R.B. The complement system and schizophrenia: a hypothesis. Abstracts of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. Colorado Springs, USA; published in: Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2007, 33(2), p.531.
  153. Manukyan L., Arakelova E., Ayvazyan V., Avetisyan G., Arakelyan A., Hovsepyan M., Boyajyan A. Cytokines and neuro-specific proteins as indicators of neuro-inflammation and systemic inflammation in stroke. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of the XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shiraz-Iran, IRI, 2007; published in: Achieves of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10(4(Suppl.1), p.S15.
  154. Khoyetsyan A., Tsakanova G., Boyajyan A. The possible role of cryoglobulins in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of the XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shiraz-Iran, IRI, 2007; published in: Achieves of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10(4(Suppl.1), p.S261.
  155. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Sukiasian S. The complement system and circulating immune complexes in post-traumatic stress disorder. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of the XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shiraz-Iran, IRI, 2007; published in: Achieves of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10 (4(Suppl.1), p.S262.
  156. Mkrtchyan G., Hovhannisyan L., Boyajyan A., Ayvazyan A., Eganyan G. The complement system in familial Mediterranean fever with and without colchicine therapy. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of the XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shiraz-Iran, IRI, 2007; published in: Achieves of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10 (4(Suppl.1), p.S262.
  157. Zanginyan H., Asatrian A. RNA and glycogen content in tissues of trichinella. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shiraz-Iran, IRI, 2007; published in: Achieves of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10 (4(Suppl.1), p.S 57.
  158. Ktsoyan Z., Beloborodova N., Sedrakyan A., Ossipov G., Khachatryan Z., Arakelova K., Popov D., Olenin A., Karageuzyan K. Detection of bacterial markers in the blood of patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of the XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shiraz-Iran, IRI, 2007; published in: Achieves of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10 (4(Suppl.1), p.S58.
  159. Hovsepyan L.M., Manukyan G.P., Tatyan M.V., Budaghyan L., Mkrtchyan V.A., Ghazaryan K.A.. Cytokine network in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of the XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Shiraz-Iran , IRI, 2007; published in Archives of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10(4 (Suppl. 1), p.S135.
  160. Tadevosyan Y., Batikyan T., Amirkhanyan E., Tadevosyan A., Melkonyan M., Hakobyan G., Lazyan M. Acylation of lipids by arachidonic acid and generation of lipid second messengers in anti-CD3/CD28 costimulated lymphocytes at norm and diverse forms of leukemia. Plenary Lectures and Young Colleagues Thesis Presentation of the XIX Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and II International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shiraz-Iran, IRI, 2007; published in: Achieves of Iranian Medicine, 2007, 10(4(Suppl.1), p. S159.
  161. Hovhannisyan L., Mkrtchyan G., Boyajyan A., Sukiasian S. Complement system in post-traumatic stress disorder. Proceedings of the V General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, Patras, Greece, 2007, p.207.
  162. Margaryan A., Hovnanyan K., Asatryan R., Hovnanyan M. The ultrastructural changes of hepatocytes in white rats with experimental cirrhosis of the liver as prognostic factor for development of brain complication. Proceedings of the “Scandem-2007” Conference, Lyngby, Denmark, 2007, p.57.
  163. Boyajyan A.S., Manukyan L.A., Arakelyan A.A., Ayvazyan V.A. Molecular pathomechanisms of the development of immune response upon ischemic stroke. Proceedings of the III International Symposium under the aegis of UNESCO “Problems of Biochemistry, Cosmic and Radiation Biology”, Moscow, Dubna, 2007, p.30-31.
  164. Manukyan К.L., Karagyozyan М.К., Sarkisyan N.K., Karageuzyan К.G. Comparative assessment of the effects of DNA reparation and synthesis in eukaryotic cell lines after a long period of UV- and mycotoxin zearalenone influence. Proceedings of the III International Symposium under the aegis of UNESCO “Problems of Biochemistry, Cosmic and Radiation Biology”, Moscow, Dubna, 2007, p.122-123.